As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 310
Representatives Seitz, Forhan
Cosponsors: Representatives Bird, Carruthers, Schmidt, Fowler Arthur, White,
Hillyer, Mathews, Robb Blasdel, McClain, Oelslager, Loychik, Kick, Dobos,
Cross, Johnson, Holmes, Brennan, Click, King, Gross, Miller, K., Patton, Dean,
John, Barhorst, Demetriou, Young, T., Williams, Hall, Lipps, Pizzulli, Jones, Ray,
Plummer, Miller, M., Lampton, Peterson
To condemn President Xi Jinping and the Chinese 1
Communist Party for their support for Russia in 2
the Russia-Ukraine War, particularly with regard 3
to the supplying of combat drones. 4
WHEREAS, Just weeks before President Vladimir Putin invaded 5
Ukraine, he and President Xi Jinping signed a "no limits" 6
partnership agreement between their two countries; and 7
WHEREAS, China has sought to expand and sustain trade with 8
Russia in order to soften the blow of worldwide economic 9
sanctions against Russia, increasing trade between the two 10
countries to a record high of 190 billion dollars in 2022; and 11
WHEREAS, Russia exported twice as much liquid petroleum gas 12
to China in 2022 than it did the year before, thereby making up 13
for the dearth of sales to other countries; and 14
H. R. No. 310 Page 2
As Introduced
WHEREAS, China refuses to abide by the price cap 15
established by the Group of Seven countries, instead paying full 16
market price for Russian crude oil; and 17
WHEREAS, According to a declassified report from the Office 18
of the Director of National Intelligence, "Beijing has also 19
significantly increased the use of its currency, the yuan, and 20
its financial infrastructure in commercial interactions with 21
Russia, allowing Russian entities to conduct financial 22
transactions unfettered of Western interdiction"; and 23
WHEREAS, According to U.S. intelligence, China has already 24
provided "non-lethal support" to Russia; and 25
WHEREAS, China secretly may be selling high technology 26
products to Russia, which could be used for military purposes; 27
and 28
WHEREAS, The report from the Office of the Director of 29
National Intelligence states, "Many shell companies and small 30
and medium-sized enterprises - comprising of no more than 300 31
employees - in Hong Kong serve as receptacles for secondary 32
sales of chips to Russia [China], according to Chinese and 33
Western press reports"; and 34
WHEREAS, Some Chinese companies are selling civilian drones 35
to Russia, exploiting the gray area between civilian and 36
military purposes for the use of drone technology; and 37
WHEREAS, As of March 2023, China had shipped more than 12 38
million dollars' worth of drones and drone parts to Russia, 39
though it is difficult to ascertain whether those drones 40
contained U.S. components; and 41
WHEREAS, In April 2023, President Putin met with China's 42
Defense Minister Li Shangfu to discuss military cooperation 43
between Russia and China, which they described as a "boundless" 44
partnership; and 45
H. R. No. 310 Page 3
As Introduced
WHEREAS, Russian Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov said 46
during a meeting on October 16, 2023, of the Russian State Duma 47
Committee on Budget and Taxes that, "Today, almost all drones 48
are from China. We are also grateful to our partners for this."; 49
now therefore be it 50
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of 51
Representatives of the 135th General Assembly of the State of 52
Ohio, condemn China's partnership with Russia in the Russia- 53
Ukraine War; and be it further 54
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 55
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the 56
President of the United States, the United States Secretary of 57
State, the members of the United States Senate Committee on 58
Armed Services, the members of the United States House of 59
Representatives Armed Services Committee, the President of the 60
People's Republic of China, the People's Republic of China's 61
Ambassador to the United States, and the news media of Ohio. 62