As Adopted by the Senate
135th General Assembly
Regular Session S. R. No. 230
Senators Dolan, Craig
Honoring Caryl Philips for outstanding service to the
State of Ohio.
WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the 135th General Assembly 1
of Ohio are pleased to extend special recognition to Caryl Philips for 2
her loyal service to the Ohio Senate; and 3
WHEREAS, Caryl Philips is a remarkable individual, for she has 4
combined civic concern and dedication with selfless initiative to 5
become a dynamic member of the General Assembly staff. Serving as a 6
member of the staff of seven senators, most recently holding the post 7
of legislative aide to Senator Matthew Dolan, she has performed her 8
duties and fulfilled her responsibilities with the utmost efficiency 9
and competence, and she is deserving of high praise; and 10
WHEREAS, Over the past forty-four years, Caryl Philips has given 11
generously of her time, energy, and abilities to assist the General 12
Assembly and has demonstrated a noteworthy commitment to the success 13
of state government. She has provided a valuable service by helping to 14
maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the legislative process, 15
and without the efforts of individuals such as she, many services that 16
are currently available to the constituents of our state would cease 17
to exist; and 18
WHEREAS, Caryl Philips’ contributions to the State of Ohio have 19
been greatly appreciated by all those who have had the pleasure of 20
working with her. She has displayed exceptional devotion, 21
responsibility, and enthusiasm in her endeavors, and we offer best 22
wishes for health and happiness in the years to come; therefore be it 23
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 135th General 24
Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, commend Caryl Philips 25
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As Adopted by the Senate
on her retirement and salute her as one of Ohio’s finest citizens; and 26
be it further 27
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly 28
authenticated copy of this Resolution to Caryl Philips. 29