Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 312 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 312’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Re-referred by House Rules and Reference
Primary Sponsors: Reps. White and Young
Effective date:
Mike Niemi, Research and Drafting Supervisor
Establishes the Prenatal-to-Five Early Childhood to Post-Secondary Regional
Partnerships Program to support early childhood to post-secondary regional
partnerships throughout Ohio.
Appropriates $2.5 million to fund the program.
Regional Partnerships Program
The bill establishes the Prenatal-to-Five Early Childhood to Post-Secondary Regional
Partnerships Program (“program”) to support existing and establish new early childhood to
post-secondary regional partnerships throughout Ohio in regions that choose to participate.
Each partnership must work collaboratively to increase educational attainment and economic
mobility outcomes for children and adults.
Departmental responsibilities
The bill requires the Department of Education and Workforce and the Department of
Higher Education to create, administer, and oversee the program.1 In so doing, the
Departments must do all of the following:
1. Coordinate and convene a cohort of all existing and emerging regional partnerships at
least quarterly to share best practices and assist in organizational development and
1 R.C. 3301.85(A).
May 3, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
2. Distribute grants to qualifying partnerships to support regional collaboration programs
that align educational resources and community support with regional in-demand
workforce skills, opportunities, and jobs;
3. Work to ensure that at least one regional partnership exists within each of the six
different regions of the state determined by JobsOhio (the regions are Cleveland
(Northeast), Cincinnati (Southwest), Columbus (Central), Dayton (West), Southeast, and
Toledo (Northwest));2
4. Report the progress and outcomes of each regional partnership at least twice a year to
the Director of Education and Workforce and the Chancellor of Higher Education, and
annually to the Governor and the General Assembly.3
Integration of Department of Children and Youth
Beginning January 1, 2025, the Director and Department of Children and Youth must
participate in administering the program and the distribution of grants in conjunction with the
Departments of Education and Workforce and Higher Education.4
Makeup of a Partnership
Each Partnership may consist of all of the following entities that are located in the same
1. Prenatal-to-five early learning programs;
2. Primary and secondary schools;
3. Educational service centers;
4. Out-of-school time providers;
5. Post-secondary institutions; and
6. Workforce and community partners.5
Grant eligibility requirements
To apply for grants under the program, a partnership must demonstrate an identified
theory of action and explicit commitment to address all areas of the education and workforce
continuum over time, including a commitment to measure and report targeted attainment
outcome metrics.6 It must also demonstrate how it will (1) integrate and align its work with
business advisory councils, the Educational Regional Service System, industry sector
2R.C. 187.01, not in the bill. See Explore Our Regions for a description of each region, which is available
at JobsOhio’s website: jobsohio.com.
3 R.C. 3301.85(B).
4 R.C. 3301.85(D).
5 R.C. 3301.85(A).
6 R.C. 3301.85(C)(1)(a).
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As Re-referred by House Rules and Reference
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
partnerships, and other regional educational attainment efforts and (2) work with local health
care systems, service providers, and other stakeholders to better address the workforce
readiness, mental health, and well-being skills children and young adults need for success.7
Reporting of performance metrics
Each qualifying partnership must report all of the following performance metrics for the
partnership’s region to the Department of Education and Workforce and the Department of
Higher Education:
1. Kindergarten readiness;
2. Third-grade reading proficiency;
3. Middle grade math proficiency;
4. High school graduation rates;
5. FAFSA completion rates;
6. Post-secondary enrollment;
7. Post-secondary credential or degree completion; and
8. Employment in the region, including the percentage of recent graduates who:
a. Found employment within one year of completing a post-secondary credential or
degree; and
b. Completed some form of work-based learning while enrolled in a post-secondary
The bill appropriates $2.5 million FY 2024 to fund the program and reassigns the unused
balance of that appropriation at the end of FY 2024 for the same purpose in FY 2025.9
Action Date
Introduced 10-30-23
Reported, H. Primary & Secondary Education 12-13-23
Re-referred to H. Finance 01-09-24
7 R.C. 3301.85(C)(1)(b) and (c).
8 R.C. 3301.85(C)(2).
9 Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the bill.
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As Re-referred by House Rules and Reference