Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
S.B. 144 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for S.B. 144’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Passed by the Senate
Primary Sponsor: Sen. Romanchuk
Effective date:
Audra Tidball, Attorney
 Authorizes certified pharmacy technicians and registered pharmacy technicians to
administer immunizations in the same manner that pharmacy interns are authorized to
do so under current law.
 Authorizes pharmacists, interns, and technicians to administer immunizations beginning
when a child is five, as opposed to the current law age limit of seven.
 Eliminates a requirement that most immunizations for children under age 13 be
prescribed in order to be administered by a pharmacist or pharmacy intern.
Administration of immunizations
The bill makes several modifications to the authority of pharmacists and other persons
under their supervision to administer immunizations. First, it extends the authority to certified
pharmacy technicians and registered pharmacy technicians in the same manner as pharmacy
interns under current law.1 This involves having to meet a number of conditions, including that
the technician (1) work under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, (2) complete a course in
the administration of immunizations that meets requirements established in rules, (3) receive
and maintain certification to perform basic life-support procedures, and (4) practice in
accordance with a protocol that meets various requirements established under existing law.2
Second, the bill makes several changes regarding immunizations for children. The bill
authorizes pharmacists, interns, and technicians to administer immunizations beginning when a
1 R.C. 4729.41(A)(1).
2 R.C. 4729.41(B).
December 8, 2023
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
child is five, as opposed to the current law age limit of seven. For children under 13, the bill
eliminates a requirement that their immunizations generally be prescribed (other than
immunizations for COVID-19 and the flu, which do not require a prescription under current law
or the bill).3 The bill also requires, for each immunization administered to a child under 18, that
the pharmacist, intern, or technician inform the child’s parent or legal guardian of the
importance of well child visits with a pediatrician or other primary care provider, and refer
patients when appropriate.4
Action Date
Introduced 08-28-23
Reported, S. Health 12-06-23
Passed Senate (30-1) 12-06-23
3 R.C. 4729.41(A)(1).
4 R.C. 4729.41(C)(4)(d).
P a g e |2 S.B. 144
As Passed by the Senate