Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 229 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 229’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Passed by the House
Primary Sponsors: Reps. Sweeney and Patton
Effective date:
Meredith Bray, Attorney
 Requires health care practitioners who are primarily responsible for caring for a patient
diagnosed with epilepsy to provide written information about sudden, unexplained
death in epilepsy (“SUDEP”) risk factors and conditions and nonprofit organizations that
can provide information and support services for patients with epilepsy.
 Names the act the Brenna Brossard SUDEP Awareness Act.
Health care practitioner responsibilities related to SUDEP
The bill requires health care practitioners who have the primary responsibility for the
treatment or care of a patient who has been diagnosed with epilepsy to provide the patient
with written information about sudden, unexplained death in epilepsy (“SUDEP”). 1 SUDEP, as
defined by the bill, is sudden, unexplained death in patients with epilepsy, with or without
evidence of seizure.2
The provided information must include current, evidence-based information developed
by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on SUDEP risk factors and
conditions and contact information for nonprofit organizations that provide information and
support services for epilepsy conditions.3
1 R.C. 3701.1311.
2 R.C. 3701.1311(A)(2).
3 R.C. 3701.1311(B).
January 11, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
The health care practitioners to which the bill applies are:4
 Physicians practicing medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery;
 Advanced practice registered nurses designated as clinical nurse specialists, certified
nurse-midwifes, or certified nurse practitioners; and
 Physician assistants.
Health care practitioners providing treatment during an emergency situation are
exempt from the bill’s requirements.5
Director of Health responsibilities
The Director of Health is required to post a link on the Department of Health’s website
to the CDC’s information page on SUDEP.6
The Director may, in the Director’s discretion, add information to the website if any local
or national organization that provides education or services related to epilepsy conditions
requests that their information be included on the Department’s website.7
Action Date
Introduced 06-27-23
Reported, H. Health Provider Services 12-13-23
Passed House (91-2) 01-10-24
4 R.C. 3701.1311(A)(1).
5 R.C. 3701.1311(B).
6 R.C. 3701.1311(C)(1).
7 R.C. 3701.1311(C)(2).
P a g e |2 H.B. 229
As Passed by the House