As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session S. R. No. 121
Senator Rulli
Cosponsors: Senators Landis, Romanchuk
To recognize that natural gas and its production 1
industry are vital to Ohio's economic future and 2
to urge continued investment in natural gas 3
infrastructure to make affordable energy 4
available to every Ohioan. 5
WHEREAS, Natural gas is a clean, affordable, and reliable 6
energy source, and it is vital for Ohio families and businesses 7
in maintaining lower energy bills and for Ohio to become the 8
low-cost energy capital of the United States; and 9
WHEREAS, Ohio's natural gas industry has transformed from a 10
low production industry to one of the top seven in terms of 11
production when compared to other states; and 12
WHEREAS, Ohio is a leader in clean energy technology, and 13
the natural gas industry leads Ohio in clean electricity 14
production when compared to other energy sources such as 15
nuclear, wind, and solar. In addition, in 2019, natural gas 16
generated more of Ohio's in-state electricity than coal for the 17
first time in history; and 18
WHEREAS, Natural gas saves the average Ohio family $2,500 19
annually in total energy costs, including over $1,000 for home 20
S. R. No. 121 Page 2
As Introduced
heating and appliances. The 36% of Ohioans utilizing other 21
energy sources do not realize these savings; and 22
WHEREAS, The natural gas industry supports 375,000 jobs, 23
which constitutes 5.3% of Ohio's total employment. In addition, 24
the natural gas industry contributed $58.8 billion to Ohio's 25
gross domestic product in 2019; now therefore be it 26
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 135th 27
General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this resolution, recognize 28
that natural gas and the natural gas industry are vital 29
components of the state's economic future and urge continued 30
investment in natural gas infrastructure to make affordable 31
energy available to every Ohioan; and be it further 32
RESOLVED, That the clerk of the Senate send duly 33
authenticated copies of this resolution to Governor Mike DeWine 34
and the news media of Ohio. 35