Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 167 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 167’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Passed by the House
Primary Sponsors: Reps. Miranda and Abrams
Effective date:
Samuel Duling, Research Analyst
 Requires the training course for chiefs of police to be conducted at locations determined
by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission and in a manner prescribed by the
 Sets eight hours as the maximum exemption for a chief who submits evidence of
previous training or qualification in the exempted topics.
 Specifies that a “newly appointed” chief is one who has never held the full-time position
 Allows the Commission to establish and conduct police officer training courses to be
offered to law enforcement officers at or above the rank of sergeant.
Training for chiefs of police
Continuing law requires the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission to provide a chief
of police training course for newly appointed chiefs. The course consists of at least 40 hours of
instruction on topics determined by the Commission. The bill modifies the course requirements
in the following ways:
 Instead of requiring the course to be conducted at the Ohio Peace Officer Training
Academy, as under current law, the course must be conducted at locations determined
by the Commission.
 The bill specifies the course must be conducted in a manner prescribed by the
 Current law allows a new chief to request an exemption from a “portion” of the course
by submitting the exemption request to the Commission within ten days after the chief
is appointed. The bill makes the maximum exemption eight hours, limits the exemption
July 6, 2023
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
to topics approved by the Executive Director, and requires the request to be provided to
the Commission at least 14 days before the course starts.
 Lastly, the bill specifies a “newly appointed” chief is one who has never held the
full-time position before, rather than one who did not hold the office on the date the
person was appointed.1
Training for the rank of sergeant and above
The bill allows the Commission to establish and conduct police officer training courses,
in addition to the Peace Officer Basic Training Academy, to be offered to a law enforcement
officer at or above the rank of sergeant.2
Action Date
Introduced 05-08-23
Reported, H. Homeland Security 06-21-23
Passed House (95-0) 06-27-23
1 R.C. 109.804.
2 R.C. 109.791.
P a g e |2 H.B. 167
As Passed by the House