Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
H.B. 162 ∗ Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for H.B. 162’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Reported by S. Agriculture & Natural Resources
Primary Sponsors: Reps. Klopfenstein and Kick
Effective date:
Jeff Grim, Research Analyst
Deputy apiarists
Allows a board of county commissioners to appoint multiple deputy apiarists, rather than
only one as under current law.
Day and week designations
Designates multiple special days and weeks.
Entitles the act as the “Agriculture Appreciation Act.”
Deputy apiarists
The bill allows a board of county commissioners to appoint multiple deputy apiarists
(beekeepers). Current law only allows a board to appoint a single deputy apiarist. A deputy
apiarist works under the direction of the Director of Agriculture and is responsible for enforcing
the Apiary Law in the county in which the deputy apiarist is appointed. 1
Day and week designations
The bill designates the following:
March 21 of each year as “Agriculture Day”;
This analysis was prepared before the report of the Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee
appeared in the Senate Journal. Note that the legislative history may be incomplete.
R.C. 909.07.
December 4, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
The week beginning on the Saturday before the last Saturday of each February through
the last Saturday in February as “FFA Week”;
October 12 of each year as “Farmer’s Day”;
The week ending with the second Saturday of March as “4-H Week”;
The second full week of November as “Ohio Soil Health Week.”
The bill entitles the act as the “Agriculture Appreciation Act.” 2
Action Date
Introduced 05-01-23
Reported, H. Agriculture 05-16-23
Passed House (83-0) 10-11-23
Reported, S. Agriculture & Natural Resources --
R.C. 5.2410, 5.2411, 5.2412, 5.2413, and 5.268; Section 2.
P a g e |2 H.B. 162
As Reported by Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources