As Adopted by the House
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 20
Representative King
Honoring the Marion Local High School football team
as the 2022 Division VI State Champion.
WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 135th 1
General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to congratulate the Marion Local 2
High School football team on winning the 2022 Division VI State 3
Championship; and 4
WHEREAS, Known as a driven and spirited squad, the members of the 5
Marion Local High School football team have developed into an 6
efficient group of truly tremendous athletes whose skill on the 7
gridiron is equaled only by their outstanding display of teamwork. 8
Their achievements are a justifiable source of pride not only for them 9
but also for their families, their coaches, including Head Coach Tim 10
Goodwin, and the entire community; and 11
WHEREAS, Each member of the Marion Local High School football 12
team is, indeed, an exceptional athlete, successfully combining 13
personal ability and spirit with the highest ideals of good 14
sportsmanship. As a result of each player’s athletic prowess, the 15
Flyers were victorious over a tough Kirtland team and won the Division 16
VI state title with a score of 14-6 and finished the season with an 17
impressive 16-0 record, distinguishing themselves as one of the finest 18
teams in Ohio; and 19
WHEREAS, Few sports embody the spirit of teamwork more than 20
football, and teams such as Marion Local High School exemplify the 21
qualities necessary for excellence in sports, including strength, 22
stamina, agility, and perseverance. Throughout long hours of practice 23
and competition, the Flyers have consistently demonstrated the talent 24
and motivation that are the hallmarks of a championship squad; 25
therefore be it 26
H. R. No. 20 Page 2
As Adopted by the House
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of 27
the 135th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, 28
commend the Marion Local High School football team on winning the 2022 29
Division VI State Championship and salute the members as fine 30
athletes; and be it further 31
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit 32
a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to the Marion Local High 33
School football team. 34