Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
S.B. 54 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for S.B. 54’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Passed by the Senate
Primary Sponsors: Sens. Reynolds and Sykes
Effective Date:
Samuel Duling, Research Analyst
Establishes the New African Immigrants Grant and Gift Fund in the state treasury.
New African Immigrants Grant and Gift Fund
The bill creates the New African Immigrants Grant and Gift Fund in the state treasury.
The New African Immigrants Commission must use money in the fund to support the
Commission’s duties.1 The fund consists of money transferred or appropriated by the General
Assembly as well as money received as a gift or grant under the Commission’s authority to
accept gifts and grants.2
New African Immigrants Commission
Under continuing law, the duties of the New African Immigrants Commission include
collecting and sharing information about problems and programs concerning sub-Saharan
African people, securing recognition of the contributions of sub-Saharan African people to Ohio,
cultivating awareness of sub-Saharan African people, developing programs for sub-Saharan
African people, recommending policies to the Governor, General Assembly, and state agencies
to address problems facing sub-Saharan African people, and more.3 Most relevant to the bill is
the Commission’s continuing duty to “apply for and accept grants and gifts from governmental
1 R.C. 4112.33.
2 R.C. 4112.33; R.C. 4112.31, not in the bill.
3 R.C. 4112.31 and 4112.32, not in the bill.
May 19, 2023
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
and private sources to be administered by the Commission or subcontracted to local
Action Date
Introduced 02-14-23
Reported, S. Finance 03-29-23
Passed Senate (31-0) 03-29-23
4 R.C. 4112.31(K), not in the bill.
P a g e |2 S.B. 54
As Passed by the Senate