Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
S.B. 53 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for S.B. 53’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Passed by the Senate
Primary Sponsors: Sens. Reynolds and Roegner
Effective date:
Chris Edwards, Attorney
Lowers the minimum age for an original appointment as a police officer from 21 to 18
years old.
Police officer minimum hiring age
The bill lowers the minimum age for a person to be eligible to receive an original
appointment as a police officer from 21 years old under current law to 18 years old. Continuing
law also requires the person to pass a physical examination to receive the appointment.
Continuing law also allows a municipality or civil service township to establish a police cadet
program for the purpose of training persons to become police officers. A person participating in
such a program may become a police cadet at 18 years old.1
Action Date
Introduced 02-08-23
Reported, S. Gov’t Oversight 04-26-23
Passed Senate (25-8) 05-10-23
1 R.C. 124.41.
May 15, 2023
Statutes affected: As Introduced: 124.41
As Reported By Senate Committee: 124.41
As Passed By Senate: 124.41