An act to amend the vehicle and traffic law and the New York city char-
ter, in relation to permitted use of handicapped spaces in the city of
New York
This bill provides that vehicles with permits for handicapped parking
issued anywhere in the state may use all spaces for handicapped parking
in the city of New York. The bill also provides that handicapped parking
permits issued by the City of New York will be valid outside of the
Section 1: Amends the opening paragraph of subdivision 1 of section
1203-a of the vehicle and traffic law to entitle individuals who have
parking permits, which allow them to park in any designated parking spot
for persons with disabilities, shall also be authorized to park in any
authorized parking space for persons with disabilities in the city of
New York.
Section 2: Amends paragraph 15 of subdivision a of section 2903 of the
New York City Charter to allow handicapped permits issued in New York
City to be valid statewide, not just within the boundaries of New York
Section 3: Sets Effective Date
Currently, individuals with special vehicle identification parking
permits issued by the State of New York are authorized to park in desig-
nated accessible spaces statewide. However, these permits are not recog-
nized in New York City, where a separate special handicapped parking
permit is required for residents and workers to access additional desig-
nated accessible spaces. This discrepancy places an undue burden on
disabled individuals who do not live or work in New York City but
frequently travel there.
To promote equity and accessibility, disabled individuals from outside
New York City should be granted the same parking privileges as those who
reside or work within the city. Similarly, permits issued by the City of
New York should be recognized and honored throughout the state. This
legislation seeks to eliminate these inconsistencies by ensuring state-
wide reciprocity for all accessible parking permits, thereby enhancing
mobility and convenience for disabled individuals.
2003: N/A
2004: S5901, Passed Senate
2005: S676, Passed Senate
2006: S676, Passed Senate
2007: S3192A, Passed Senate
2008: S3192A, Passed Senate
2009: S564, Referred to Transportation
2010: S564, Referred to Transportation
2011: S927, Referred to Transportation
2012: S927, Passed Senate
2013: S1525, Advanced to Third Reading
2014: S1525, Advanced to Third Reading
2015: S728, Passed Senate
2016: S728, Passed Senate
2017: S1312, Passed Senate
2018: S1312, Referred to Transportation
2019: 52965, Referred to Transportation
2020: S2965, Referred to Transportation
2021: 5193, Referred to Transportation
2022: S193, Referred to Transportation
2023: S5880, Referred to Transportation
2024: 55880, Referred to Transportation Assembly
2003: A8710, Referred to Transportation
2004: A8710, Reported Referred to Rules
2005: No Assembly Same-As
2006: No Assembly Same-As
2007: No Assembly Same-As
2008: No Assembly Same-As
2009: No Assembly Same-As
2010: No Assembly Same-As
2011: No Assembly Same-As
2012: No Assembly Same-As
2013: N/A
2014: A9962, Referred to Transportation
2015: No Assembly Same-As
2016: No Assembly Same-As
2017: No Assembly Same-As
2018: No Assembly Same-As
2019: A8824, Referred to Transportation
2020: A8824, Referred to Transportation
2021: A2215, Referred to Transportation
2022: A2215, Referred to Transportation
2023: A2165, Referred to Transportation
2024: A2165, Referred to Transportation
This act shall take effect immediately.
Statutes affected: S5845: 1203-a vehicle and traffic law, 1203-a(1) vehicle and traffic law