An act to amend the education law, in relation to authorizing the
commissioner of education to implement a purple star schools program
Authorizes the commissioner of education to establish a purple star
schools program.
Section 1 of the bill amends § 305 of the Education Law in relation to
the powers and duties of the commissioner by authorizing the commission-
er to establish a purple star schools program, which, upon application
of a school or school district, is a designation that shall be awarded
to a school who has:
(1) appointed a military liaison,
(2) created a website of resources for military-connected students,
(3) maintained a transition program for military-connected students,
(4) offer staff professional development on military-connected student
(5) monitored the academic progress of military-connected students,
(6) either
(a) passed a resolution in support of military-connected students,
(b) hosted an event in support of military-connected students or
(c) offered volunteer opportunities at the campus for military members.
A school or school district may partner with a third party to administer
these provisions. The commissioner may promulgate rules to design the
Section 2 establishes the effective date.
All New York schools currently participate in the Military Interstate
Children's Compact, which provides technical assistance for active-duty
military-connected students on certain issues pertaining to placement,
records, immunizations and graduation but does not encompass the service
indicators set forth in this legislation.
The Department of Defense recommends states help schools to make assess-
ments so that critical information is easily accessible to military
connected students, military families, school and school district facul-
ty and staff by creating a statewide Purple Star Schools program. Purple
Star Schools are military-friendly schools that have demonstrated a
major commitment to students and families connected to our nation's
military. Designated schools have met specific state designed require-
ments to support the unique situations facing military students and
their families.
As our military members and their families move from state to state,
providing for a smooth educational transition for their children is key
to eliminating one of the largest concerns the parents face. The clarity
and precision derived from New York communicating clear expectations and
responsibilities at the state level ensures standardization and creates
consistency as the program scales and families move more frequently
between Purple Star schools, even to and from other states.
As New York is already home to 26,777 active-duty service members,
10,145 active-duty spouses, 16,494 active-duty children, 40,851 National
Guard and reserve members, 16,695 National Guard and reserve spouses and
22,650 National Guard and reserve children, it has the benefit of being
able to draw upon existing expertise and engagement with existing stake-
Thirteen states have created statewide Purple Star School Programs. By
utilizing the best practices identified by the Department of Defense,
this legislation gives New York the potential to create a robust network
of local, state, and national stakeholders and cultivate competency in
the area of military-connected student transition, offering New York's
Purple Star Schools the opportunity to demonstrate their cultural fluen-
cy to parents and families.
2024; Held in Senate Education Committee.
At the state level, schools will need to apply for the designation. The
commissioner will therefore need to establish the program, develop
guidelines, related forms and documents to administer the program.
Existing education department staff may need to provide professional
development to schools and school systems to raise awareness and explain
programmatic requirements on a part-time basis, as well as review appli-
cations to determine if schools meet the qualifications to achieve the
designation. There will also be a minimal annual cost for banners,
certificates or some form of recognition for a designated school, supply
costs which can be covered with existing resources. To the extent, a
school or schools wish to be recognized as a Purple Star School, there
may be no cost as they already meet the criterion to achieve the desig-
nation, or there may be operational changes required that could be
managed with existing resources.
This act shall take effect immediately.
Statutes affected: S5218: 305 education law