An act to amend the public authorities law, in relation to requiring
certain public authorities to develop a feasibility study to promote
bicyclist and pedestrian access on bridges statewide and to consider the
impact of capital projects on bicyclist and pedestrian access
Bill to direct the New York State Bridge Authority, Thousand islands
Bridge Authority, Nassau County Bridge Authority, Ogdensburg Bridge and
Port Authority, and New York State Thruway Authority to develop a feasi-
bility study to promote bicyclist and pedestrian access on NYS bridges
and to consider the impact of capital projects on bicyclist and pedes-
trian access.
Section 1. Amends the public authorities law to direct the NYS Bridge
Authority to develop a bridge access feasibility study to improve bicy-
cle and pedestrian access to roadway bridges.
Section 2. Amends the public authorities law to direct the Thousand
Islands Bridge Authority to develop a bridge access feasibility study to
improve bicycle and pedestrian access to roadway bridges.
Section 3. Amends the public authorities law to direct the Nassau County
Bridge Authority to develop a bridge access feasibility study to improve
bicycle and pedestrian access to roadway bridges.
Section 4. Amends the public authorities law to direct the Ogdensburg
Bridge and Port Authority to develop a bridge access feasibility study
to improve bicycle and pedestrian access to roadway bridges.
Section 5. Amends the public authorities law to direct the NYS Thruway
Authority to develop a bridge access feasibility study to improve bicy-
cle and pedestrian access to roadway bridges.
Section 6. Sets the effective date.
New York State's bridges, many of which were built decades ago, are
poorly designed for pedestrians and bicyclists. Improving pedestrian and
bicyclist access on bridges would encourage more New Yorkers to choose
walking or biking as an affordable, low-carbon mode of transportation.
Given that the transportation sector accounts for roughly 28% of state-
wide greenhouse gas emissions, promoting such low-carbon transportation
options is essential for achieving New York's emissions reduction goals
under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.
This bill would direct the state's Bridge Authorities and the Thruway
Authority to focus on improving pedestrian and bicyclist access on New
York State's bridges. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority was
directed by legislation in 2021 to undertake _a similar effort for
bridges within its jurisdiction-this bill would extend the benefits of
increased pedestrian and bicyclist access to the entire state. This
legislation aligns with Federal Highway Administration guidelines that
require federally funded bridge projects to provide safe accommodation
of pedestrians and/or bicyclists.
By promoting walking and cycling over the state's bridges, this legis-
lation would benefit both the state's emissions reduction goals and New
Yorkers' quality of life.
2024: S9313 Comrie/ A8300A Fahy- Passed Assembly
This act shall take effect immediately.