An act establishing the "blue-ribbon commission on the future of New
York state's service delivery system for individuals with intellectual
and developmental disabilities act"; and providing for the repeal of
such provisions upon expiration thereof
The purpose of this bill is to establish a blue ribbon commission to
conduct a comprehensive study and prepare a report to examine, evaluate
and make recommendations for systemic reforms to ensure a sustainable
set of supports and services that meets the needs of all individuals
with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Section 1 of this bill would establish the name of the act as the "Blue-
Ribbon Commission on the Future of New York State's Service Delivery
System for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Act."
Section 2 of this bill would require the commission to conduct a compre-
hensive study and prepare a report to examine, evaluate and make recom-
mendations for systemic reforms to ensure a sustainable set of supports
and services that meets the needs of all individuals with intellectual
and developmental disabilities.
Section 3 of this bill would establish the membership of the commission
and the procedures of such commission.
Section 4 of this bill would provide that such commission shall examine
topics including, but not limited to solutions to address the recruit-
ment and retention of the direct care workforce; access to person
centered supports and services that reduce racial and socio-economic
inequities and disparities and anticipates changing demographics of the
population; technology and infrastructure needs, including potential
future needs and uses to improve effectiveness of the service system;
the evolving service needs of individuals with intellectual and develop-
mental disabilities,especially those with co-occurring behavioral health
needs and other cross-systems issues; evolving housing needs and oppor-
tunities,that support the state's Olmstead plan and independent living
in community-based settings; and increasing competitive, integrated
employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabili-
Section 5 of this bill would require that the commission make a report
to the Governor and Legislature of its findings and recommendations not
later than fifteen months after the effective date of this bill.
Section 6 of this bill provides that the effective date shall take
effect immediately and shall expire and be deemed repealed two years
after it shall have become a law.
The current system of supports and services to people with Intellectual
and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) focuses on a way of delivering
services that lacks a true person-centered philosophy and is difficult
for New Yorkers with I/DD to navigate. Exacerbated by the longstanding
workforce shortage and worsened by the COVID-l9 pandemic; the demands on
the sustainability of New York's system of supports and services to
individuals with I/DD weigh heavily on both State and provider agency
finances, staff resources, and the health and well being of people who
are served. At the same time, innovations and technological advancements
have the potential to positively impact individuals with I/DD and
improve services and supports to everyone.
A commission would serve to explore ways in which the State can address
long-standing issues of equity, workforce development, safety, and hous-
ing, as well as taking advantage of available technology. This bill
would establish a blue ribbon commission to conduct a comprehensive
study and prepare a report to examine, evaluate and make recommendations
for systemic reforms to ensure a sustainable set of supports and
services that meets the needs of all individuals with intellectual and
developmental disabilities.
2023-24: S8782-A/ A9553-A
To be determined.
This act shall take effect immediately and shall expire and be deemed
repealed two years after it shall have become a law.