An act in relation to establishing the New York state grid modernization
Establishes the New York state grid modernization commission
Section 1 amends the public service law by adding a new section 66-u
Subsection 1 provides that within one hundred eighty days of the effec-
tive date of this section the New York Grid Modernization Commission
shall be created.
Subsection 2 provides that the Grid modernization commission shall
conduct a study of research, development, and demonstration of electric
grid modernization that addresses the principal challenges identified in
the New York Independent System Operator's 2021-2040 System & Resource
Outlook. Provides that the Grid modernization commission shall identify
tools, resources, and deployment models that may enable improved
performance of the grid.
Subsection 2b provides that the Grid Modernization committee may solicit
input from stakeholder interests
Subsection 2c provides that the Grid Modernization committee shall hold
at least one public hearing, and may base study findings on existing
Subsection 2d provides that any reasonable costs associated with the
functioning- of the grid modernization committee shall be borne by the
New York state energy research and development authority ("NYSERGA").
Subsection 2e provides that, no later than 18 months after the effective
date, the Grid Modernization Commission shall issue a report on the
findings of its study and any recommendations to the state energy board
for consideration in the state energy plan. The grid modernization
commission shall submit an annual report thereafter. Subsection 3
provides that the Grid Modernization Commission shall establish a grant
program to carry out eligible projects related to the modernization of
the electric grid. 3(c) provides that NYSERGA shallin- vest or direct
available and relevant program resources in a manner designed to achieve
a goal for disadvantaged communities to receive forty-five percent of
overall benefits of spending on the program.
Subsection 4 provides that the Grid Modernization Commission shall
establish and facilitate a collaborative process to develop model grid
architecture and a set of future scenarios for the electric grid to
examine the impacts of different combinations of resources on the elec-
tric grid.
Section 2 amends section 6-104 of the energy law by adding a new subdi-
vision 6 which provides that in the development of the draft energy
plan,the state energy board must consult with the grid Modernization
Commission and its grid modernization report.
Section 3 sets the effective date.
This bill establishes a statewide Grid Modernization Commission that is
authorized to conduct studies to modernize the electric grid and to
facilitate a collaborative process to develop grid models to help ensure
a reliable, resilient, affordable, safe, and. secure electric grid of
the future. The Grid Modernization Commission must also establish a
grant program to carry out projects related to the modernization of the
electric grid. The primary goals of the Commission will be to identify
critical state transmission needs and conduct annual studies to support
the buildout of high-voltage transmission facilities that meet those
The N.Y. Independent System Operator's 2021-2040 System & Resource
Outlook recommends that our grid must "provide sustained on-demand power
and system stability that is essential to meeting state climate policy
objectives while maintaining reliability." The technologies to achieve
this in its entirety are not commercially viable today, according to the
study. Meeting all of our CLCPA goals, while remaining reliable through-
out, will require adaptive solutions and further investments in research
and development etforts. Together this will result in the identification
of the most efficient and cost-effective technologies and in the devel-
opment and eventual adoption of newly commercially viable resources.