Establishes the department of oversight and investigation, providing for its powers, duties and functions (Part A); relates to repealing provisions relating to the commission on ethics and lobbying in government; relates to repealing provisions relating to the office of the state inspector general (Part B); provides for the transfer of the functions, powers and duties of the commission on ethics and lobbying in government, the office of the state inspector general and the former temporary state commission of investigation to the department of oversight and investigation (Part C); relates to the commission on ethics and lobbying; relates to membership on the franchise oversight board; relates to the state inspector general; relates to the former temporary state commission of investigation; relates to the commission on ethics and lobbying in government and the legislative ethics commission; relates to the office of the state inspector general; creates a temporary state commission of investigation (Part D).
Statutes affected: A4700: 94 executive law, 107 civil service law, 107(5) civil service law, 1-c legislative law, 63 executive law, 63(3) executive law, 2.10 criminal procedure law, 2.10(3) criminal procedure law, 2.10(68) criminal procedure law, 70-a executive law, 70-a(3) executive law, 835 executive law, 835(9) executive law, 92 public officers law, 92(8) public officers law, 73-a public officers law, 73-a(2) public officers law, 1-d legislative law, 2986 public authorities law, 2986(3) public authorities law, 73 public officers law, 73(6) public officers law, 73(8-a) public officers law, 73(8-b) public officers law, 73(10) public officers law