Requires certain persons and officials required to report suspected child abuse and maltreatment to complete ongoing training; requires all teachers, school superintendents and licensed professionals who are required to report cases of child abuse and maltreatment to complete training in the reporting of suspected cases of child abuse and maltreatment at least once every 2 years.
Statutes affected: A4598: 413 social services law, 3003 education law, 3003(4) education law, 3209-a education law, 3004 education law, 3004(2) education law, 3007 education law, 6501 education law, 6501(1) education law, 6502 education law, 6502(1) education law, 6507 education law, 6507(3) education law, 214-a executive law, 840 executive law, 840(1) executive law, 2805-n public health law