An act to amend the civil rights law and the public buildings law, in
relation to enacting the "traveling with dignity act"
Relates to establishing the "traveling with dignity act"
Section 1 establishes the short title.
Section 2 amends the civil rights law to define adult changing accommo-
dations and to establish guidelines for the installation of adult chang-
ing accommodations in public spaces.
Section 3 states the effective date.
Adult changing tables are an incredibly important resource for adults
who struggle with mobility issues and incontinence, allowing them to
access the same amenities as those who are ambulatory. Individuals
cannot participate in society when they do not have a dignified way to
use the restroom. Changing tables and toilets serve similar functions-
they both allow individuals to have a dignified way to relieve them-
selves and clean up afterwards. Both require privacy and safety to
adequately serve their function. And, both result in similar conse-
quences when they are inaccessible; one either compromises their own
physical health and dignity by allowing caregivers to resort to changing
those in their care in spaces that may be unsanitary or unsafe, such as
bathroom floors, or they simply choose to avoid public spaces altogeth-
Lying exposed on a cold, wet, and dirty restroom floor is not only bad
for one's mental health, but also potentially their physical health.
Changing stations also minimize contact with contaminated surfaces,
lowering the chance of infections and viruses. Additionally, tables must
be height-adjustable to make this accommodation accessible to every
person with disabilities who vary in ability, height, and weight, and
allow an easy, safe transfer from a wheelchair.
The United States doesn't have a federal mandate requiring adult-sized
changing stations in public restrooms. The Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) which passed in 1990, serves as a landmark civil rights law
aimed at ensuring equal access for people with disabilities. The ADA set
forth requirements for public spaces to implement accessibility elements
such as ramps, mobility devices, and more. Adult-sized changing tables
are as much a part of accessible toileting as grab bars and toilet
stalls that can accommodate wheelchairs.
Unfortunately, adult changing accommodations were not included in the
act, making it imperative for New York State to pass legislation ensur-
ing that public buildings are completely accessible to disabled New
Yorkers. The "Traveling with Dignity" bill seeks to address these gaps,
making it clear that access to adequate restroom facilities is not mere-
ly a matter of convenience; it is a fundamental civil right. By mandat-
ing the installation of adult changing stations in public spaces, this
bill recognizes that dignity is a civil right-one that allows adults
with disabilities to visit movie theaters, museums, convention centers,
and other public venues with the same ease and comfort as their able-
bodied peers. It acknowledges that every individual, regardless of their
physical abilities, should have access to clean, safe, and private
facilities. This legislation is not just about compliance; it is about
affirming the inherent dignity of all people and ensuring that every New
Yorker can participate in society fully and with respect.
* Health & Human Rights Journal, No Dignity on the Floor: A Human Rights
Argument for Adult-Sized Changing Tables in Public Restrooms in the
United States,
* Wasserstrom Blog, Adult Changing Stations Are a Necessity for Inclu-
sive Public Buildings,
2023-2024: S7697B/A8373 - Died in Finance/Died in Ways & Means
None to the State.
This act shall take effect immediately.