An act to amend the insurance law, in relation to requiring coverage
under the Healthy New York program for mental illness
The purpose of the legislation is to broaden the coverage of the Healthy
New York Program (HNY) so that eligible small employers, sole proprie-
tors, and uninsured working individuals will be covered for mental
health services.
Section 1: The opening paragraph of subparagraph (A) of paragraph 5 of
subsection (1) of section 3221 of the insurance law, as amended by
section 13 of subpart A of part BB of chapter 57 of the laws of 2019, is
Section 2: The opening paragraph of subsection (g) of section 4303 of
the insurance law, as amended by section 22 of subpart A of part BB of
chapter 57 of the laws of 2019 is amended.
Section 3: This act shall take effect immediately.
The "Healthy NY Program" (HNY) promotes access to quality health care by
providing comprehensive health insurance to those citizens who need it
most. HNY's methodology is to assist small business owners in providing
their employees and their employees' families with the health insurance
they need and deserve. In addition, uninsured sole proprietors and work-
ers whose employers do not provide health insurance may als o purchase
comprehensive coverage directly through HNY. Persons in need of mental
health services may suffer from an array of psychological disorders
which include; anxiety, depression, behavioral and personality disor-
ders, any of which might cause absenteeism, productivity loss and
co-morbid physical symptoms with similar effect. Not only adults may
require mental health services, an estimated one in five children and
adolescents may have mental disorders that can be diagnosed and treated,
but for lack of coverage The most common disorders adolescents suffer
from are anxiety disorders, accounting for as many as 13 out of every
100 children between the ages of 9 and 17. Children may also suffer from
severe depression, bipolar disorders, learning disorders and schizophre-
nia, and autism is an important concern for American children, affecting
10-12 individuals for every 10,000 children.
Any or all, of these conditions can lead to excessive absences from
school, failure to thrive in the academic or home environment, and asso-
ciated physical ailments. With new research and innovations, advanced
treatment is readably available. In order to seek this treatment
patients need coverage to diagnose and treat themselves and their chil-
dren. That is why this legislation expands HNY's coverage to include
coverage for mental health services for eligible small employers, sole
proprietors,and uninsured working individuals.
2023-24- S4695- Referred to Insurance
2021-22: S3302 -Referred to Insurance
2019-20: S.3760- Referred to Insurance
2017-18: S.2679- Referred to Insurance
2015-16: S.2791- Referred to Insurance
2013-14: S.2841- Referred to Insurance
2011-12: S.1121- Referred to Insurance
2009-10: S.6866- Referred to Insurance
To be determined.
No local fiscal implications.
This act shall take effect immediately.
Statutes affected: S4009: 3221 insurance law, 3221(l) insurance law, 4303 insurance law, 4303(g) insurance law