An act to amend chapter 560 of the laws of 1998, amending the not-for-
profit corporation law and other laws, relating to combinations of ceme-
tery corporations and funeral entities, and the sale of monuments and
memorials, in relation to certain crematory or crematorium operated by a
funeral entity
To authorize the Finger Lakes Crematory to install and/or replace an
existing retort for the purpose of having a backup on hand in the case
of technical or mechanical failure.
Section 1: amends section 14 of chapter 560 of the laws of 1998 to
authorize the Finger Lakes Crematory to install an additional retort
expressly and solely for use in an instance of mechanical or technical
failure of an existing retort.
Section 2: effective date.
In 1998, the New York Legislature adopted a set of anti-combination
laws, which, among other things, prohibit a crematory or crematorium
from being operated by a funeral entity. Crematories or crematoriums
operated by a funeral entity prior to the enactment of the laws passed
in 1998 were permitted to continue operation, provided that these enti-
ties did not increase their physical footprint or capacity.
A significant issue that some grandfathered entities have experienced
due to the prohibition against increasing capacity is an inability to
replace outdated, dangerous retorts with new, more efficient units. In
some cases, older units contain substances such as asbestos and threaten
the health and safety of crematory staff. The New York Division of Ceme-
teries has ruled that such a replacement violates the spirit of the
existing anti-combination, even if the unit is only to be used as a
backup. Additionally, those entities that are operating with older
equipment are severely impacted during periods when the equipment breaks
down and requires servicing. For entities that serve large, primarily
rural regions, such a lapse in equipment availability presents not only
an effect on business but a detriment to grieving families who wish to
have services for lost loved ones in an appropriate amount of time.
This legislation authorizes the Finger Lakes Crematory to add an addi-
tional retort expressly and solely for use in an instance of mechanical
or technical failure of an existing retort to prevent such an inter-
ruption of services for the communities that the crematory serves.
New Bill
None to the State.
This act shall take effect immediately.