An act to amend the cannabis law, in relation to certain medical canna-
bis reforms
Section one authorizes certified medical cannabis patients from other
states to access New York's medical cannabis program provided they have
sufficient documentation.
Section two directs the cannabis control board to approve pre-rolled
cannabis products in the medical cannabis program.
Section three provides the effective date.
Nearly every state in the nation has their own medical cannabis program.
New York's program began in 2014 with the passing of the Compassionate
Care Act. Since then, the medical cannabis program has undergone signif-
icant changes especially with the recent state legalization of adult-use
cannabis. As the program was transferred from the Department of Health
to the Office of Cannabis Management several changes were made to
improve the medical program including waiving the registration fee,
allowing for whole flower products to be sold, and removing the list of
qualifying conditions. Each of these steps helped improve and expand New
York's medical cannabis program.
This bill would allow certified medical cannabis patients from other
states to access medical dispensaries provided they present sufficient
documentation. States such as Nevada, Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri
already allow for reciprocity with other states' medical cannabis
programs. New York is one of the most visited states by domestic travel-
ers in the country. Additionally, many out-of-state residents from
states such as New Jersey and Connecticut commute to work in New York.
Residents of other states should continue to have access to medical
cannabis products while they are in New York.
This bill also directs the cannabis control board to approve pre-rolls
for the medical cannabis program. Pre-rolled cannabis products are the
most affordable, and often most effective, form of medical cannabis for
many patients. Compared to ground metered flower that is used in dry
herb vaporizers, smokeable pre-rolled products can be half the price for
patients. As the monthly cost of medical cannabis is prohibitively
expensive ($400/month on average), reducing the cost for patients in
need is of paramount importance to ensuring access to the.medical canna-
bis program. Lastly, many medical patients have dexterity challenges
that prevent them from being able to grind up and roll their own smokea-
ble products.
2021-22: S.9218
2023-24: S.1023
Increased revenue to the state.
This act shall take effect immediately.