An act to amend the education law, in relation to extending certain
benefits to active volunteer firefighters and active volunteer ambulance
To allow active volunteer firefighters and active volunteer ambulance
workers to audit courses at the State University of New York (SUNY) and
at community colleges on a tuition-free basis.
Section 1 of the bill amends section 355 of the education law to allow
volunteer firefighters and active volunteer ambulance workers to audit
courses at SUNY schools without tuition, examination, grading or credit.
Section 2 of the bill amends section 6303 of the education law to allow
active volunteer firefighters and active volunteer ambulance workers to
audit courses at community colleges without tuition, examination, grad-
ing or credit.
Section 3 of the bill is the effective date.
Under current law, persons that are 60 or older are permitted to audit
courses at SUNY schools and community colleges without tuition, examina-
tion, grading or credit. This benefit is available on a space available
basis. This legislation simply extends this benefit to New York State
residents that are active volunteer firefighters or active volunteer
ambulance workers. This bill also authorizes the board of trustees of
the state university to develop rules that would allow schools to award
credit for such audited courses, if such a school desired to do so.
This legislation will provide several benefits to the volunteer fire
service. First, itrwill serve as an incentive for current volunteers to
continue their service. This is especially true for those who may be
contemplating leaving the volunteer fire service to further their educa-
tion for career purposes. Second, the bill will serve as an incentive
for younger individuals to join their local volunteer fire department or
ambulance company. By providing an opportunity for younger individuals
to take a course at the local college, this bill will attract individ-
uals who may not otherwise consider joining their local volunteer organ-
izations. Third, this bill will also provide a meaningful higher educa-
tion opportunity which could lead to pursuit of a degree. Ultimately,
this bill will provide for a stronger volunteer fire service to protect
our residents and communities.
S.789 of 2023/2024; Referred to higher Education
S. 3496 of 2021/2022; Referred to Higher Education
S. 265 of 2019/2020; Referred to Higher Education
S. 376 of 2017/2018 Passed Senate
S.6677/A.8990 (2013-14); Referred to Higher Education
S. 3125 of 2015/2016; Passed Senate in 2016
To be determined.
This act shall take effect on the 90th day after it shall have become a
Statutes affected: S2314: 355 education law, 355(2) education law, 6303 education law, 6303(5) education law