An act to amend the executive law, in relation to enacting the online
revenues and expenditures transparency act
Directs the Director of Office of Information Technology and the Direc-
tor of the Division or the Budget to create and maintain one-stop-shop
budget database web site for all of the most up-to-date State spending
and revenue statistics.
Section 1. The Executive Law is amended by adding a new section 184. §
1. Definitions
2. Directs the Director of the Office of Information Technology to
create, by January 1, 2025 and in collaboration with the Director of the
Division of the Budget, a single, searchable database web site for the
following statistics' annual State expenditures, bond debt payments,
local aid to local governments, annual revenues, receipts or deposits,
tax revenues received, agency earnings, revenues from state-owned monies
and properties, gifts and donations, federal grants and miscellaneous
3. Directs the Director of the Division of the Budget to begin operating
the web site by February 1, 2027.
4. Requires expenditure and revenue statistics posted on the Web site to
be retained for at least ten years.
5. Requires the Director of the Division of the Budget to update the
Website's expenditure and revenue statistics on a monthly basis.
6. Exemptions for online listing of individual businesses, tax liabil-
ity, profits, sales or losses.
7. Specifies compliance requirements.
Section 2. Effective Date
Although the Internet has made a wealth of governmental information
accessible to New Yorkers, many of them must travel through an online
labyrinth to find data relating to New York State's fiscal condition.
Much information relating to state spending and revenues is already
posted online, but it is spread across web sites run by several State
entities, such as the Division of the Budget, the Department of Taxation
and Finance, the Office of the Comptroller, the New York Power Authori-
ty, the Thruway Authority and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Much of this information is also not updated regularly, making it even
harder for New Yorkers to get a clear picture of the State's fiscal
condition at any given time. The uncoordinated presentation of this
online budgetary information results in uncertainty, nor transparency.
This legislation would authorize the creation of a single, searchable
budget database Web site, which would pull together most of this infor-
mation spread across the Internet. The Director of the Office of Tech-
nology would develop the Web site and the Director of the Division of
the Budget would be responsible for maintaining and updating the Web
site. This legislation is modeled after a bill (H.2972) the Massachu-
setts House of Representatives passed in 2010.
2023-2024 S.3387/A.4391 O'Donnell - Passed Senate
2021-2022 S.1333/A.4479 O'Donnell - Passed Senate
2019-2020 S.3362/A.8797 O'Donnell - died in Budget and Revenue
2017-2018 S.5018/A.5130 O'Donnell - died in Finance
2015-2016 S.2664/A.9221 O'Donnell - died in Finance
2013-2014 S.1773-A No Same As - died in Finance
2011-2012 S.2853-A No Same As - notice of committed consideration,
discharged to Rules
Minimal. The Director of the Division of the Budget already receives
much of the information that this legislation requires to be posted on
the single, searchable budget database web site.
This act shall take effect after ninety days of enactment.