An act to amend the election law, in relation to authorizing and direct-
ing the state board of elections to create an online petitioning system
for designating petitions
To create an online system for the submission of designating petitions
for candidates seeking elected office in the state.
Section 1: adds a new section 6-136-a to the Election Law authorizing
the state board of elections to develop an online system for qualified
voters to submit designating petitions for candidates for all statewide
elections, legislative offices, and local elections. This system must
be integrated with county boards of elections, provide for the trans-
mission of signed petitions to the appropriate officer, allow only qual-
ified voters to sign particular petitions, and provide that candidates
may collect petitions up to their required threshold for the particular
office through the system. Establishes that use of the online system
does not preclude the use of paper petitions.
Section 2: sets the effective date.
Designating petitions are a key component of New York's electoral
system. Every year, thousands of volunteers go door-to-door to gather
enough signatures for candidates to appear on the ballot. It is a
significant investment of time, effort, and passion for our democratic
process. However, recent years have shown the limits of this system.
Changes in the political calendar to consolidate New York's multiple
primary elections moved the petitioning period into February and March.
For much of the state, this means that petitioning is happening in the
middle of Upstate's intense winters. In rural areas, as well as towns
and villages without sidewalks, this can be especially challenging. It
has also exacerbated the barriers to people with physical disabilities
who wish to run for office or participate in political campaigns. In
2020, the health crisis necessitated a temporary reduction of petition-
ing thresholds and an eventual end of the petitioning period to preserve
public health. While the crisis will eventually end, concerns of safety,
health, and fairness suggest that we should not go back to the prior
requirement for gathering signatures one door at a time.
For several years, the State of Arizona has operated an online petition-
ing system called E-Qual. This secure portal allows qualified voters to
sign petitions for candidates online. This allows for a broader and more
accessible form of petition-gathering that does not depend on thousands
of hours of volunteer labor, sometimes in dangerous conditions. Use of
the online system in Arizona does not prohibit the additional use of
paper designating petitions, nor does it release candidates from the
necessity of engaging with voters and supporters to earn the necessary
number of signatures to appear on the ballot. Creating such a system in
New York to supplement the traditional process of paper designating
petitions will increase the flexibility of our system and make the
designating process more open, safe, and fair across the entire state.
2023-2024 - S.241 (May) / A.2011 (Carroll)
2021-2022 - S.1344 (May) / A.623 (Carroll)
2019-2020 - S.8238 (May) / A.10740 (Carroll)
To be determined.