An act to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to health care
proxy information on driver's licenses; and to repeal certain provisions
of such law relating thereto
This bill amends the information that may be listed on an application
for a driver's license or non-driver identification cards, regarding
whether an individual has executed an advance directive.
Sections one, two, three, and four make concurring amendments to the
vehicle and traffic law relating to information that may be listed on an
application for a driver's license or non-driver identification card,
regarding whether an individual has executed an advanced directive.
Section five amends paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 504 of the
vehicle and traffic law.
Section six sets forth the effective date.
Advance directives, such as health care proxies or living wills, are
written instructions given by individuals specifying what medical care
they wish to receive, or abstain from receiving, should they become
unable to make such decisions in the future. These orders ensure that
patients' wishes about treatment are known and followed if they cannot
speak for themselves due to incapacitating illness or injury. All New
Yorkers should be made aware of their ability to execute advance direc-
tives. By adding a question on the application for a driver's license or
non-driver identification cards, regarding whether an individual has
executed an advance directive, New York can raise awareness about
advance directives. Nothing in this legislation would require an indi-
vidual to complete an advance directive. Rather, it would simply ask
applicants if they have completed a health care proxy or living will.
All individuals in good health should consider preparing an advance
directive in case of sudden accident or illness.
2023-24: S.1460 - Referred to Transportation
2021-22: S.1487 - Referred to Transportation
2019-20: S.5972 - Referred to Transportation
2017-18: S.1094A - Referred to Transportation
2015-16: S.2581-A - Reported to Finance
This bill shall take effect immediately; provided, however (a) the
amendments to subdivision 2 of section 490 of the vehicle and traffic
law made by section one of this act shall be subject to the expiration
and the reversion of such subdivision pursuant to section 6 of chapter
465 of the laws of 2012, as amended, when upon such date the provisions
of section two of this act shall take effect; and provided further that
section four of this act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth
day after it shall have become a law, and section five of this act shall
take effect October 3, 2025.