An act to create a temporary state commission to study and make recom-
mendations concerning the application of pesticides in cities with a
population of one million or more
To protect the residents of New York State from the possible health
hazard posed by the repeated spreading of pesticides.
Directs the creation of a temporary state commission to study the appli-
cation of pesticides in. cities with a population of one million or more
The commission will consist of eleven. members to be appointed as
follows: five by the Governor, two by the Temporary President of the
Senate, one by the Senate Minority Leader, two by the Assembly Speaker
and one by the Assembly Minority leader. Of the five members appointed
by the Governor, one shall be from the Department of Health and. one
from the Department of Environmental Conservation.
The members of the commission will not be compensated for their
services. The commission shall make a report of its findings and make
recommendations to the Governor, the Temporary President of the Senate
and the Speaker of the Assembly.
In 1999, the New York City Department of Health and Center for Disease
Control and Prevention concluded that there was an outbreak of a mosqui-
to borne viral disease known as the West Nile Virus. By September of
that year there were 59 confirmed cases throughout the area of New York
City, Nassau County and Westchester County, including 7 deaths. To
combat the spread of this virus, the New York City Mayor's Office of
Emergency Management coordinated efforts to eradicate adult mosquitos
through citywide aerial and ground application of Malathion and the
pyrethroid-based insecticides resmethrmn and sumethrin. Although immedi-
ate action was required to prevent the spread of this virus, the health
hazards posed to residents of infected areas was not studied.
In 2001, many of the truck drivers who sprayed the pesticides reported
being sickened by the pesticides and many New York City residents
reported respiratory problems due to the pesticide spraying. The
outbreak of the West Nile Virus in the New York City metropolitan area
represented the first time this virus had been detected in the Western
Hemisphere. To allow the State of New York and its localities to be
prepared for possible future outbreak of the West Nile Virus or a simi-
lar virus we must understand. the health effects posed by the spread of
pesticide on the residents of the State. The creation of a temporary
state commission to study and make recommendation concerning the appli-
cation of pesticides will, assist the state in properly combating the
virus without further harming the health of our constituents.
2023-24: A.2592-referred to environmental conservation; S7775- Referred
to Finance
2021-22: A.4034-referred to environmental conservation
2019-20: A.4923-referred to environmental conservation
2013-14: A.1255/Environmental Conservation; S.1236/Finance
2011-12: A.901/Encon; S.1390/Finance
2009-10: A.1572/Encon; S.10490/Finance
2007-08: A.3195/Encon; S.2919/Finance
2005-06: A.8168/Encon; 5.1384/Finance
To be determined
This act shall take effect immediately.