An act to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to autonomous
vehicle driving
Section 1 creates a new article 34-e to the vehicle and traffic law
-defines various terms;
-authorizes the operation of a fully autonomous vehicle without a human
driver provided that the automated driving system is engaged, and the
vehicle meets certain conditions;
-clarifies that the automated driving system is the driver and operator
of the vehicle;
-requires adequate proof of insurance;
-defines the duties of the owner of the vehicle in the event of a crash;
-authorizes the use of an on-demand autonomous vehicle network;
-requires proper registration and title for fully autonomous vehicles;
-clarifies that state law is the sole controlling authority over fully
autonomous vehicles, and that the department of motor vehicles is the
sole and exclusive state agency that may implement this article; and
-delineates the operation of a motor vehicle with an automated driving
system by a human driver.
-allows any city with a population of five million or more to establish
local rules and regulations governing for-hire vehicle services using
fully autonomous vehicles.
Section 2 adds a new section 383-a to the vehicle and traffic law which
exempts fully autonomous vehicles from motor vehicle equipment laws or
regulations which only relate to operation by a human driver and are not
relevant for an automated driving system.
Section 3 adds a new section 301-c to the vehicle and traffic law which
brings inspection requirements for these vehicles in conformance with
the equipment standards in section 383-a.
Section 4 establishes the effective date.
Presently, New York State law does not provide a regulatory framework
for commercial deployment of autonomous vehicles in the state. Under the
law, there is only a limited autonomous vehicle testing program, which
expired on April 1, 2023.
In 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported
that 38,680 individuals died in vehicular crashes, which is the highest
total in more than 14 years. According to the Institute for Traffic
Safety Management and Research, there was an increase of deaths result-
ing from motor vehicle accidents in New York in 2020, up from 2019.
Nearly 40% of these fatalities resulting from motor vehicle accidents in
New York were caused by alcohol or drug-related impairments. Addi-
tionally, from 2020 to 2021, there was an 11% increase in non-fatal
crashes in New York. Autonomous Vehicle technology is one solution that
can help reduce the number of traffic fatalities and collisions due to
human factors such as distraction, exhaustion, and intoxication.
This legislation creates a regulatory framework for autonomous vehicles
to be commercially deployed in the State of New York by detailing
requirements for: the safe operation of a fully autonomous vehicle with
and without a human driver, licensing and insurance requirements for
autonomous vehicles, duties following a potential collision involving an
autonomous vehicle, and integration into an on-demand autonomous vehicle
2023-2024: A539B- Referred to Transportation; S1012B- Referred to Trans-
2021-2022: A9705 - Referred to transportation; S8468 - Referred to
None to the state.
This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall have
become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or
repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of
this act on its effective date are authorized to be made and completed
on or before such effective date.