An act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to wild
or exotic animals
The purpose of this bill is to establish and expand the definition/s of
wild and exotic animals to ensure such animals and to prohibit such
animals from being imported, sold or owned.
Section 1. Amends paragraph e of subdivision 6 of section 11-0103 of the
environmental conservation law, as amended by chapter 10 of the laws of
2005, to provide a definition for exotic animal/s as a wild animal with
an origin of a different continent. This section further expands the
definition of wild animal/s to mean indigenous, non-domesticated animals
native to the country in which they live. This section identifies
corresponding families and orders of both wild and exotic animals.
Section 2. Amends section 11-0512 of the environmental conservation law
by adding a new subdivision 3a to allow anyone who currently possesses a
wild animal at the start of the enactment clause to retain possession of
the animal for the rest of its life, pursuant to part a of subdivision
3a providing such person has not been convicted of any offense relating
to animal cruelty or under a judicial order prohibiting possession of
animals, and pursuant to part b of subdivision 3a providing such person
applies to the department within six months of the effective date of
this section and obtains from the department, a license pursuant to
subdivision 4.
Section 3. Is the enacting clause.
In Suffolk County, an illegal petting zoo turned exotic animal store was
unlawfully selling various wild and exotic animals including sloths and
kangaroos. Sloths are naturally nocturnal, mostly deaf and blind when in
sunlight. Kangaroos can grow up to six feet tall and weigh up to two
hundred pounds. Selling and owning these animals is inhumane and uneth-
ical. This bill addresses the gap in current law by expanding the defi-
nition of wild animals to include exotic animals and further identifies
animal families/orders that adhere to such groups. This bill prohibits
exotic animals from being sold, harbored or owned as a pet.
This act shall take effect immediately.