An act to amend the family court act and the New York city civil court
act, in relation to increasing the number of judges in certain courts
Section 1. Provides changes to the New York city civil court act that
would include Richmond County in the increase to family court judges in
the family court system. This includes an addition of at least three
family court judge residents.
Section 2. Allows for the due compensation of those judges that is
consistent with the compensation that other judges in the family court
system already receive and provides for the other counties within New
York City
Section 3. Accounts for the addition of judges in some non-New York City
counties and allows for the compensation of those judges as well.
Section 4. This act shall take effect immediately, with measures for the
reasonable execution of second and third sections.
This bill, in short, considers Richmond County in the increases to fami-
ly court judges that recently took place across New York. Three family
court judges will be added, effective January 1st, 2025.
When the New York City Civil Court Act was proposed, Staten Island, in
its entirety, was left out of the bill. This is an affront to the
400,000+ residents of the island who face the same backlog issues and
wait times that have faced countless New Yorkers across the state.
This bill corrects this mistake and ensures that Staten Island is fairly
recognized in this proposal. It also serves to remind the legislature
and other branches of government of the injustice that Staten Island
faces when it is oftentimes overlooked in crucial pieces of legislation.
New Bill
To be determined.
This legislation will take effect immediately, provided, however, that
the positions created by sections two and three of this act shall be
filled by election at the November 5, 2024 election, for a term to
commence on the first day of January, 2025, as if such vacancy occurred
on the effective date of this act. Party nominations shall be made as
provided for in section 6-116 and 6-158 of the election law, and the
independent nominations shall be made as provided for by subdivision 10
of section 6-158 of the election law.