An act to amend the civil service law, in relation to compensation,
benefits and other terms and conditions of employment for members of the
district council 37 rent regulation services unit; to amend part A of
chapter 361 of the laws of 2022, amending the civil service law and the
state finance law relating to compensation and other terms and condi-
tions of employment of certain state officers and employees, to author-
ize funding of joint labor-management committees, and relating to imple-
menting agreements between the state and an employee organization, in
relation to location pay for certain state officers and employees; to
implement a collective bargaining agreement between the state of New
York and the district council 37 rent regulation services unit; making
an appropriation therefor; and to repeal certain provisions of the civil
service law relating thereto
This bill would implement the terms of an agreement entered into pursu-
ant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law (the "Agreement") between the
executive branch of the State of New York ("State") and the employee
organization which represents members of the collective negotiating unit
designated as the Rent Regulation Services Unit (the "RRSU").
Section 1 of the bill would repeal subparagraphs 1 and 2 of Civil
Service Law Section 130(1)(e) and replace them with new subparagraphs 1,
2 and 3 to provide for the application of new salary schedules for offi-
cers and employees in the RRSU for the period April 2, 2023, to April 1,
Section 2 of the bill would amend section 10 of part A of Chapter 361 of
the laws of 2022 to provide an increase in location pay for officers and
employees of the State in the collective negotiating units designated as
the administrative services unit, the institutional services unit, the
operational services unit, or the division of military and naval affairs
unit established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law
consistent with negotiated agreements.
Section 3 of the bill would provide for increases in basic annual salary
for covered members of the RRSU of three percent effective March 30,
2023, March 28, 2024, and March 27, 2025. This section provides that
these increases will be paid on a pro-rated basis to otherwise eligible
officers and employees who are paid on an hourly or per diem basis or
serving on a part-time or seasonal basis. It further authorizes perform-
ance advance payments to covered members of the RRSU in graded positions
pursuant to the terms of the Agreement and Civil Service Law Section
131(6), and to non-statutory employees as authorized by the Director of
the Budget. Finally, this section specifies that any increase in compen-
sation may be withheld when, in the opinion of the Director of the Budg-
et and the Director of Employee Relations, such increase is not
warranted or appropriate.
Section 4 of the bill would continue existing location compensation for
employees whose principal place of employment is located in New York
City or the counties of Rockland, Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk at the
annual rate of $3,026 and increase it as follows:
Effective April 1,2023: $3,087
Effective April 1,2024: $3,400
Effective April 1,2025: $4,000
Section 5 of the bill would provide for a one-time signing bonus of
$3000 to retain employees in the RRSU. This signing bonus is not part of
basic annual salary. Similarly, the signing bonus is not subject to any
salary increases and is not pensionable. The signing bonus shall be
prorated for those employees paid on any basis other than an annual
basis. To qualify, employees must be in continuous service in the RRSU
between December 22, 2023 and April 24, 2024 as defined by paragraph c
of subdivision 3 of section 130 of the civil service law. Employees who
separate from state service between December 22, 2023 and April 24, 2024
are not eligible for this signing bonus unless they retire directly from
active state employment. This bonus shall be effective April 24, 2024
for officers and employees on the administrative payroll.
Section 6 of the bill provides that longevity payments, as contractually
agreed, will effective April 1, 2025 be paid in accordance with the
terms of such agreement.
Section 7 of the bill provides that a higher education differential
consistent with the terms of such agreement shall be paid to eligible
members of the RRSU.
Section 8 of the bill would authorize contributions to employee depend-
ent care advantage accounts in amounts and for the time periods speci-
fied by the Agreement.
Section 9 of the bill would provide for the payment and publication of
grievance and arbitration settlements and awards pursuant to the Agree-
Section 10 of the bill would provide that labor-management committees,
created, continued and administered pursuant to the terms of the Agree-
ment, shall have responsibility for discussing and attempting to resolve
matters of mutual concern and implementing any agreements reached.
Section 11 of the bill would require that, prior to any salary increase,
benefit modification or any other modification to terms and conditions
of employment provided by this bill, the Director of Employee Relations
must submit a letter to the Director of the Budget and the State Comp-
troller certifying that the collectively negotiated agreement has been
ratified by the membership.
Section 12 of the bill would authorize the State Comptroller to pay any
amounts required by this bill during the fiscal year commencing April 1,
2023, for any state department or agency from any appropriation or other
funds available to such state department or agency for personal service
or for other related employee benefits during such fiscal year. To the
extent that such appropriations in any fund are insufficient, the Direc-
tor of the Budget is authorized to allocate to the various department
and agencies, from any appropriations available in any fund, the amounts
necessary to pay such amounts.
Section 13 of the bill would provide those employees who participate in
a special annuity program under Article 8-C of the Education Law shall
not suffer any reduction of the salary adjustment to which they are
otherwise entitled under the program, as a result of an increase in
compensation provided for in this bill.
Section 14 of the bill would authorize a lump sum payment for retroac-
tive salary increases and compensation modifications deemed in effect on
the payroll closest to April 1, 2023.
Sections 15 and 16 of the bill would appropriate funding for the
personal service, non-personal service and labor-management committee
costs associated with this bill in accordance with the terms of the
Section 17 of the bill would provide for an immediate effective date of
this act, which shall be deemed to have been in full force and effect on
and after April 2, 2023. Appropriations made by this chapter shall
remain in full force and effect for liabilities incurred through March
31, 2025.
The last pay bill for the RRSU, covering the period April 2, 2021 to
April I, 2023, was enacted by Chapter 60 of the Laws of 2022. The last
paybill for employees in the collective negotiating units designated as
the administrative services unit, the institutional services unit, the
operational services unit, or the division of military and naval affairs
unit established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law cover-
ing the period April 2, 2021 to April 1, 2026 was enacted by Chapter 361
of the Laws of 2022.
The bill is necessary to implement the terms of a collective bargaining
agreement between the executive branch of the State of New York and
District Council 37, the employee organization certified to represent
members of the RRSU, which was entered into pursuant to Article 14 of
the Civil Service Law which has been ratified by the membership and
covers the period April 2, 2023, to April 1, 2026.
Section 2 of the bill is necessary to implement an agreement concerning
location pay for the collective negotiating units designated as the
administrative services unit, the institutional services unit, the oper-
ational services unit, or the division of military and naval affairs
unit established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law repres-
ented by CSEA.
New bill.
The bill would provide appropriations totaling approximately $6.2
million to pay for the cost of the agreement during the period April 2,
2023, to April 1, 2025.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This bill would take effect immediately and be deemed
to have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2023.