An act to amend the civil service law and the state finance law, in
relation to compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of
employment of certain state officers and employees who are members of
the security services collective negotiating unit; authorizing funding
of joint labor-management committees; implementing an agreement between
the state and an employee organization; making an appropriation there-
for; and to repeal certain provisions of the civil service law relating
This bill would implement the provisions of a collective bargaining
agreement ("Agreement") binding the State of New York and the employee
organization, the New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benev-
olent Association, Inc. ("NYSCOPBA"), representing members of the
collective negotiating unit designated as the Security Services Unit
("the Unit") for the period covering April 1, 2023 through March 31,
2026, entered into pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law
Section 1 of this bill would repeal CSL § 130(1)(f) and (g) and replace
it with a new paragraph (f) to establish a new salary schedule for all
members of the Unit to reflect a three percent increase in basic annual
salary effective April 1, 2023, April 1, 2024, and April 1, 2025,
Section 2 of this bill would amend State Finance Law ("SFL") § 207-a(2)
to provide for payments, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement,
to an Employee Benefit Fund.
Section 3 of this bill authorizes for members of the Unit a 3 percent
increase in the basic annual salary effective April 1, 2023, 2024 and
2025, respectively.
Section 4 of this bill would provide for the continuation of pre-shift
briefing pay to members of the Unit who are not eligible for interest
Section 5 of this bill would provide for the continuation of pre-shift
briefing pay to members of the Unit who are employed within DOCCS and
who are designated as peace officers pursuant to CPL § 2.10.
Section 6 of this bill would continue and increase location pay for
annual salaried members of the Unit who are not eligible for binding
interest arbitration and whose official workstation is located in New
York City or in the counties of Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland,
Orange, Putnam, or Dutchess. It would also continue location compen-
sation for eligible members in the county of Monroe.
Section 7 of this bill would continue and increase location pay for
annual salaried members of the Unit employed by DOCCS and designated as
peace officers pursuant to CPL § 2.10, and whose official workstation is
located in New York City or in the counties of Nassau, Suffolk, West-
chester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam, or Dutchess.
Section 8 of this bill would provide for a continuation of location
compensation for certain eligible members of the Unit who are employees
of the Hudson Valley developmental disabilities services office.
Section 9 of this bill would provide for the continuation and increase
of inconvenience pay to annual salaried members of the Unit.
Section 10 of this bill would provide for the continuation and increase
of facility security pay to certain members of the Unit who are not
eligible for interest arbitration.
Section 11 of this bill would provide for the continuation and increase
of Expanded Duty Pay to annual salaried members of the Unit who are
employed within DOCCS and who are designated as peace officers pursuant
to CPL § 2.10.
Section 12 of this bill would provide for the continuation and increase
of hazardous duty payment to full-time annual salaried members of the
Section 13 of this bill would continue a Statewide Joint Labor-Manage-
ment Committee to study various labor-related issues including health
benefits, employee assistance, performance evaluation, education and
training, quality of work life, overtime, leave benefits, workers'
compensation and backpay. It would also require the committee to study
and make joint recommendations on the issue of excessive force, as well
as to provide funding for employee training to address the issue.
Section 14 of this bill would continue to exempt the salaries of newly
hired Unit members from the salary deferral pursuant to SFL § 200(2-a).
Section 15 of this bill would provide for a one-time lump sum bonus of
$3,000 for eligible members of the Unit which shall not be pensionable
or added to base salary.
Section 16 of this bill would provide for a new lump sum longevity
payment of $750 , effective December 1, 2025, payable to those Unit
members who, as of November 1 of each year, have completed 11 years of
Section 17 of this bill would prohibit certain overtime eligible members
of the Unit not eligible for interest arbitration to be deemed ineligi-
ble for overtime compensation if they are receiving certain payments in
lieu of overtime pursuant to the Agreement.
Sections 18 through 25 of this bill would provide for: payment and
publication of grievance arbitration settlements/awards, certification
of the Agreement, payment of the negotiated increases, use of appropri-
ations, appropriation amounts and the effective date.
Chapter 24 of the Laws of 2019 establish the terms and conditions of
employment for members of the Unit for the period April 1, 2016 to March
31, 2023. CSL §§ 130(1)(f) and (g) establish the current salary and
longevity schedules for members of the Unit. SFL § 207-a(2) establishes
the current employee benefit fund for members of the Unit.
This bill is necessary to implement the terms of an Agreement collec-
tively negotiated between the State of New York and NYSCOPBA, the
employee organization representing members of the Security Services
Unit. Such Agreement is for the period April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2026.
In accordance with Article 14 of the CSL, the Agreement is binding on
all parties to it. This bill incorporates the terms of that Agreement
related to salary increases and benefit modifications and appropriates
funds necessary to pay for it, in accordance with the State's obli-
New bill.
This bill would provide appropriations totaling approximately $259
million to pay for the cost of the Agreement during the period April 1,
2023 through March 31, 2025. The cost of the Agreement is expected to be
offset by reserves previously included in the Financial Plan.
This bill would take effect immediately and be deemed to have been in
full force and effect on and after April 1, 2023.