An act to amend the social services law, in relation to establishing the
housing people and animals together grant program
The intent of this grant program is to aid in further reducing barriers
to sheltered housing for people experiencing homelessness and victims of
domestic violence with companion animals by providing funding assistance
to organizations and municipal shelters that serve such populations.
Section 1. The social services law is amended by adding a new section
45-aa to establish the housing people and animals together grant program
related to people experiencing homelessness with companion animals.
Section 2. social services law is amended by adding a new section 459-bb
to establish the housing people and animals together grant program
related to victims of domestic violence.
As a result of "no pet policies" or limited sheltered housing options
that accommodate animals, people experiencing homelessness often choose
street homelessness to forgo relinquishing their animal. Similarly,
research has demonstrated that 71% of women in domestic violence shel-
ters report their abuser threatening to injure or have killed their
companion animal, with nearly half of victims choosing to remain in an
abusive environment in fear of leaving their animal behind. (1)
Shelters have already begun recognizing this additional barrier to shel-
tered housing for both populations and in response have implemented
co-sheltering programs. A noteworthy example is PALS NYC, the first
shelter in the nation to house survivors of domestic violence with their
companion animals as well as several others across the state. New York
City has a bill before the city council that would require city-run
shelters to develop and submit a plan for how they can accommodate
people experiencing homelessness with a companion animal. A similar
grant program as the one proposed in this section known as the Pet
Assistance and Support Program has been enacted in California's
2022-2023 budget to assist their homeless population in gaining access
to sheltered housing with a companion animal.
This legislation is supplemental to existing efforts in reducing housing
barriers for people experiencing homelessness and victims of domestic
violence with companion animals by providing the necessary funding need-
ed to organizations and municipal shelters to accommodate them safely.
This measure exemplifies our state's commitment to addressing and serv-
ing the needs of these vulnerable populations.
New bill.
To be determined.
This act shall take effect immediately.
(1)Carlisle-Frank, Frank and Nielsen, (2004). Pets as Pawns.