An act to amend the labor law, in relation to decreasing the length of
the suspension period applicable to certain striking workers who seek to
obtain unemployment insurance benefits
This legislation requires a transportation network company (TNC), some-
times known as a mobility service provider (MSP), to implement and main-
tain a policy and oversight process of providing accessibility to
passengers or potential passengers with a disability, including any
accommodations required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Section 1. Paragraph (d) of subdivision 3 of section 1696 of the vehi-
cle and traffic law, as added by section 2 of part AAA of chapter 59 of
the laws of 2017, (d) A transportation network company (TNC) shall
implement and maintain a policy and oversight process of providing
accessibility to passengers or potential passengers with a disability,
including any accommodation required by the Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990.
As amended and accommodation of service animals as such term is defined
in section one hundred twenty three-b of the agriculture and markets law
and shall to the extent practicable adopt finding established by the New
York State TNC accessibility task force adopted pursuant to section
twenty-one of part AAA of chapter fifty-nine of the laws of two thousand
seventeen. A TNC shall implement and maintain a documented policy and
oversight process for providing such accessibility. A TNC shall not
impose additional charges for providing services to persons with phys-
ical disabilities because of those disabilities and shall make available
on the mobile application of such TNC the ability to indicate accommo-
dation as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
including accommodation of service animals.
Section 2. Administrative code of the city of New York is amended by
adding new section 19-503.2 passengers with disabilities. The commission
shall promulgate rules and regulations which ensure for-hire vehicles
services provide any accommodations required by the Americans with Disa-
bilities Act of 1990. The commission shall promulgate rules and regu-
lation which ensures every for-hire vehicle service shall make available
on the mobile application of such service the ability to indicate accom-
modations as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
including accommodation of service animals.
Section 3. Section 1693 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by
adding a new subdivision 14- A TNC shall collect twenty cents per trip
provided by such TNC and deposit the same in the On-deMand Vehicle
Accessibility Fund established pursuant to section ninety-b of the state
finance law.
Section 4. On-demand Vehicle Accessibility Fund is hereby established
in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the department of
transportation an account of the miscellaneous special fund to be known
at the On-demand Vehicle Accessibility fund. The comptroller is author-
ized and directed to receive for deposit to the credit of the on-demand
vehicle accessibility fund designated for such deposit by law including
those derived from the surcharge authorized by subdivision fourteen of
section sixteen hundred ninety-three of the vehicle and traffic law.
Moneys of this account, following appropriation by the legislature,
shall be available to support the state department of transportation for
expensed of providing incentives and investments to ensure accessible
on-demand vehicle service for those with disabilities, including those
with service animals.
Section 5. This act shall take effect on the thirtieth day it shall have
become law.
Paragraph one: Background of the issue the bill is addressing
(statistics, industry, etc.). Paragraph two: This
address...what the bill actually
*If there is a legislative intent section in the bill, can pull informa-
tion from there*
This act shall take effect on the thirtieth day it shall have become