An act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to
protection of water reservoirs and impoundments that serve as potential
inter-municipal sources of potable water supplies
Relates to protection of certain potable water supplies. SUMMARY: OF
Section 1 amends the Environmental Conservation law to provide that
inter-municipal sources of water located in impoundments in the course
of a stream shall be designated as public water supply systems.
Section 2 amends the Environmental Conservation law to provide that
inter-municipal sources of water located in impoundments in the course
of a stream shall be designated as public water supply systems.
Section 3 amends the Environmental Conservation law to designate poten-
tial inter-municipal water supplies located in impoundments in the
course of a stream, and their immediate watersheds as AA.
Section 4 amends the Environmental Conservation law to provide that
permit requirements for water withdrawal systems shall apply to poten-
tial inter-municipal water supplies located in impoundments in the
course of a stream.
According to the New York State Department of Conservation, approximate-
ly nine billion gallons of water are withdrawn each day from lakes,
rivers, streams, estuaries and groundwaters of upstate New York for New
York State residents. This includes the movement of 1 billion gallons of
water from upstate for New York City alone.
Climate risks, such as drought, heatwaves, and wildfires, are an
increased threat to the State's policy that "The acquisition, storage,
diversion and use of water for domestic and municipal purposes shall
have priority over all other purposes" as codified in ECL Section
15-0105(5). Yearly and regular seasonal water shortages throughout New
York State makes it necessary to update the provisions of Title 15 of
the Environmental Conservation Law to further protect sources of potable
This bill continues the state's efforts to protect and provide potable
water by increasing the protections of additional potential water sourc-
es. It protects water reservoirs or impoundments that already exist to
serve as potential inter-municipal sources of potable water supplies,
immediately providing residents throughout New York State with addi-
tional potential sources of potable water. It authorizes the New York
State Department of Conservation to classify these potential inter-muni-
cipal sources of water, in the course of a stream, as AA Waters, requir-
ing a water quality permit (prescribed already in 15-0501) for any
development in the immediate watershed of the reservoir. It complements
the state's commitment to updating our water quality infrastructure,
providing clean water for all residents, and serves to prevent the
destruction and ultimate contamination of potential water supplies
before it is too late.
New bill.
To be determined.
This act shall take effect immediately.