An act to amend the education law, in relation to providing for tempo-
rary authorization of certain nurses to practice at children's camps
To authorize registered and licensed practical nurses that are in good-
standing in other states but not licensed or registered in New York
State to temporarily practice in New York State if they are employed by
a summer camp.
Section 1: Amends the education law by adding a new section 6907-b that
allows for registered nurses and licensed practice nurses who are in
good standing in another state, have applied for full licensure in New
York State, and will be employed by a summer day camp, children's over-
night camp or travelling day camp to receive temporary authorization to
practice in New York State. Such authorization is only valid between
June 15th and September 15th. The nurse must have submitted an applica-
tion for licensure/registration, submit documentation of their employ-
ment at the camp, and pay a fee as determined by the Department of
Education. The nurse will be subject to the same jurisdiction, discipli-
nary and regulatory authority of the board of regents as if they were
practicing under a license/registration issued by the Department.
Section 2: Effective date.
Children's summer day camps, overnight camps and travelling day camps
are required to employ a medical professional, such as a physician,
nurse or nurse practitioner, to serve as health director of the camp.
Camps have struggled to hire and retain qualified nurses for years,
especially since the COVID-19 epidemic. It is difficult for these camps
to find nurses who can work a full-time job for only 8 weeks out of the
year during the Summer. Therefore, many camps rely on out-of-state nurs-
es to fill these temporary positions. Unfortunately, the application
process and approval process is long and tedious and often takes many
months for the granting of a registration or license to practice in New
During the COVID-19 pandemic, pursuant to an Executive order, out-of-
state nurses and other health professionals were authorized to practice
in NYS if they were licensed and in good standing in another state if
they lack a license to practice in New York State. This Executive Order
expired in 2023 and is no longer in effect. Additionally, legislation
was chaptered in 2023 that authorized licensed physicians and nurses who
were practicing under the Executive Order to continue to practice in NYS
without a license if they are employed by a healthcare facility and have
not yet received their license to practice in NYS.
While the State Education Department has instituted an "expedited"
license application process for out-of-state nurses that wish to prac-
tice in NYS, that process still takes several months from the time the
application and supporting documentation is submitted.
This bill will help alleviate the nurse shortage by allowing these out-
of-state nurses, who are in good standing, to work temporarily at DOH
regulated summer camps. Just as healthcare facilities have been given
greater flexibility to hire and retain healthcare professionals, summer
camps should also be given such flexibility to hire these qualified
temporary out-of-state nurses.
New bill.
Minimal, as the fee assessed for the temporary application should offset
any minimal costs incurred by the State in issuing the temporary
This bill shall take effect on the 60th day after it shall have become a
law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any
rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of this act on its
effective date are authorized to be made and completed on or before such
effective date.