Prohibits consideration of a law of another state that authorizes a child to be removed from their parent or guardian based on the parent or guardian allowing their child to receive gender-affirming care in custody cases; prohibits law enforcement agencies from cooperating with or providing information to any individual or out-of-state agency or department regarding the provision of lawful gender-affirming care performed in this state; prohibits the issuance of a subpoena in connection with certain out-of-state proceedings relating to seeking health or related information about people who come to New York to receive gender-affirming care; prohibits the arrest of a person for performing or aiding in the lawful performance of gender-affirming care within this state; relates to the extradition of gender-affirming care providers; relates to licensure of health care providers; prohibits insurance providers from taking adverse action against a health care provider who provides gender-affirming care.

Statutes affected:
A6046: 3119 civil practice law, 140.10 criminal procedure law
A6046A: 3119 civil practice law, 3102 civil practice law, 140.10 criminal procedure law, 6531-b education law, 6531-b(1) education law, 6531-b(2) education law, 230 public health law, 230(9-c) public health law, 6505-d education law, 3436-a insurance law
A6046B: 3119 civil practice law, 3102 civil practice law, 140.10 criminal procedure law, 6531-b education law, 6531-b(1) education law, 6531-b(2) education law, 230 public health law, 230(9-c) public health law, 6505-d education law