An act to amend the social services law, in relation to the use of child
care block grant funds for the statewide presumptive eligibility period
for the receipt of child care assistance
PURPOSE: : This bill would require social services districts to
utilize a presumptive eligibility standard for child care assistance,
and help eliminate administrative burdens and delay in families receiv-
ing care.
Section 1 of the bill would amend the social services law 5 410-w (1)
and create a new paragraph (f):
*Paragraph (f) allows social services districts to utilize Child Care &
Development Block Grant (CCDBG) funding to provide child care assistance
under a presumptive eligibility standard
Section 2 of the bill would amend the social services law 5 41Ï-w (3)
and create a new subdivision 3-a:
*Paragraph (a) requires social services districts to utilize a presump-
tive eligibility standard
*Paragraph (b) sets forth that a family shall be presumed eligible for
child care assistance, upon application with necessary documentation.
The social services district will provide assistance for a period of
30-60 days, and make an eligibility determination within that window of
time to ensure families are eligible for continued assistance
*Paragraph (c) requires that families be deemed eligible for continued
assistance, if a local social services district has not made an eligi-
bility determination after 30-60 days. Social services districts are
required to use local funds for assistance during the period of presumed
eligibility, in excess of 30-60 days
*Paragraph (d) allows social services districts to utilize Child Care &
Development Block Grant (CCDBG) funding to cover costs for families that
are later determined to be ineligible for child care assistance during
the period of presumed eligibility
*Paragraph (e) requires social services district to provide child care
assistance under a presumptive eligibility standard, clarifying this is
an authorized use of Child Care & Development Block Grant (CCDBG) fund-
Section 3 sets the effective date for 180 days after enactment
In New York State, families must meet certain eligibility requirements
for the receipt of child care assistance, and upon application must wait
up to 30 days before receiving care. In New York City, this processing
time can be as long as 60 days. Administrative delay in the processing
of applications for subsidies can often spell the difference between
families missing medical appointments, job interviews, and other impor-
tant life events that can lead to upward economic mobility and growth.
This bill is modeled on the efforts of Monroe County's Department of
Human Services to provide timely child care assistance for families in
need. Monroe County DRS issues subsidy certificates to families presumed
eligible, allowing them to pursue child care while their applications
are formally processed.
Under a statewide presumptive eligibility standard, all local social
services districts will be required to provide child care assistance
under this method. Presumptive eligibility will eliminate unnecessary
delays for families to receive child care assistance, and help create a
more accessible system for all.
New bill.

Statutes affected:
S4667: 410-w social services law
S4667A: 410-w social services law, 410-w(3-a) social services law