Existing law provides every patient of a medical facility with the right to examine the bill for his or her care and receive an explanation of the bill. (NRS 449A.106) Existing law also requires each provider of health care to timely provide a patient with an itemized bill at no additional cost to the patient. (NRS 629.071) Sections 2 and 3 of this bill, respectively, require a medical facility or provider of health care that determines or receives notice that a medical bill may contain one or more billing errors to: (1) review the potential billing errors; (2) notify the patient of the review and the results of the review; and (3) refund any overpayment by the patient. Sections 1 and 4 of this bill, respectively, authorize the suspension or revocation of the license of a medical facility that violates section 2, and the imposition of disciplinary action against and administrator of certain facilities who aids or abets a violation of section 2. Section 3 authorizes the imposition of disciplinary action against a provider of health care who fails to comply with the requirements of section 3.