Existing law requires the Board of Wildlife Commissioners to establish certain policies and adopt certain regulations to carry out and to enforce certain provisions relating to wildlife. (NRS 501.181) Section 1 of this bill: (1) requires the Commission to adopt regulations requiring the Department of Wildlife to issue salvage permits that authorize a person to salvage and collect any wildlife killed as a result of a vehicle collision; and (2) prohibits the Commission from prescribing a fee for the issuance of a salvage permit. Section 1 additionally provides that the Commission may, by regulation, prohibit the Department from issuing salvage permits if any wildlife in this State is confirmed to have tested positive for chronic wasting disease.
In addition to regular hunting licenses and trapping licenses, existing law requires a person to have a tag to hunt certain species of game mammals and authorizes the Commission to require tags in certain other circumstances. (NRS 502.130) If tags are required, existing law prohibits a person from possessing any of that species, or parts thereof, without the correct tag. (NRS 502.150) Subject to certain exceptions, existing law prohibits any person from having in his or her control any wildlife or any part thereof, during the time when the killing of such wildlife is prohibited. (NRS 503.030) Sections 2 and 3 of this bill provide that a person holding a salvage permit issued by regulation of the Commission adopted pursuant to section 1 is exempted from those prohibitions.