The Welfare Field Services budget provides staff salaries and operating expenses for the various programs administered by Division of Social Services (DSS). This budget account primarily consists of Family Services Specialists, who determine eligibility for the major program areas, which include: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; various Medicaid programs; and Children's Health Insurance Program. Family Services Specialists, Administrative Assistant IVs, and Social Workers provide employment and support services to assist program participants in overcoming barriers to achieve economic independence.
The federal government mandates specific quality and performance measures for eligibility, client support, and periodic reviews of client circumstances. The state is subject to penalties in the form of grant reductions for non-compliance with the performance measures. If penalized, the state is required to replace the grant reductions with General Fund appropriations restoring the available program funding to the pre-penalty level. Additionally, program integrity and fraud protection are an integral part of Welfare Field Services responsibility.
Welfare Field Services is required to provide service and appropriate eligibility to anyone seeking access to DWSS administered programs. All requests are provided a consistent level of quality service. Statutory authority: NRS 422A.