The Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History is administered by the Department of Public Safety Records Bureau and administers the Nevada Criminal Justice Information System (NCJIS), which serves as the state's clearinghouse for criminal history record information and crime statistics. The system provides information and activities that support a wide variety of public safety interests and functions as the information portal through which law enforcement agencies statewide accesses criminal history record information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other national and state criminal history databases. The bureau is a member of the Western Identification Network, a regional consortium of eight western states that share fingerprint images and criminal history record information and participates in the FBI's Interstate Identification Index and in the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact for the release of criminal history record information for non-criminal justice purposes. The bureau is further designated as the Chief Law Enforcement Official for the purposes of administering the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993.
The repository includes the following programs: Uniform Crime Reporting; the Point-of-Contact firearms (Brady); the Repository For Information Concerning Orders For Protection; the Nevada Sex Offender Registry; Civil Name Check; and the NCJIS Compliance; Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Track IT. Statutory Authority: NRS 179A and 179D.