The Department of Public Safety, Highway Patrol Division, receives federal grants administered through this budget account. The granting agency is the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), whose focus is accident, fatality, and injury reduction of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) related crashes. These reductions are accomplished through consistent, uniform, and effective CMV safety programs. The federal grants include the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) and the High Priority (HP) grant programs. The MCSAP grant is a formula distribution made available to state and local entities that conduct traffic safety programs and activities. These federal funds are used for qualifying programs designed to support the enforcement of CMV regulations, CMV inspections, and CMV/non-CMV traffic enforcement. The management and oversight of the MSCAP grant is supported by 15 positions and requires a 15% soft match, which is provided by Highway Patrol trooper time spent on MCSAP eligible activities. The High Priority is a discretionary grant program that provides support for a number of different initiatives including information technology deployment, safety data improvements, and CMV safety enforcement. State match is based on the type of activity proposed. For example, media activities are 100% federal funds eligible. Statutory Authority: NRS 480.300, 480.330, 480.340, and 480.360.