Existing law prescribes certain rights for a patient of a medical facility or a facility for the dependent. (NRS 449A.100-449A.124) Sections 2-8 of this bill establish the Right to Reproductive Health Care Act. Sections 4-6 define certain terms for purposes of the Act. Section 3 establishes the applicability of those definitions. Section 7 applies the provisions of the Act to certain state laws and all local laws and ordinances and the implementation of those laws and ordinances, regardless of when those laws or ordinances were enacted. Section 8 generally prohibits a governmental entity from enacting or implementing any limitation or requirement that singles out reproductive health care and substantially burdens: (1) the access of a person to reproductive health care, drugs or devices related to reproductive health care or information related to reproductive health care; or (2) the ability of a provider of health care to provide reproductive health care, drugs or devices related to reproductive health care or information related to reproductive health care within his or her scope of practice, training and experience. Section 8 creates an exception to such prohibitions if the governmental entity demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that the burden, as applied to the person or provider of health care who is subject to the burden: (1) furthers a compelling interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that interest. Section 8 authorizes a person whose ability to obtain or provide reproductive health care, drugs or devices related to reproductive health care or information related to reproductive health care is burdened to bring or defend an action in court and obtain appropriate relief. Section 8 requires a court to award costs and attorney's fees to a person who prevails on such a claim.