Existing law requires a court to include a special sentence of lifetime supervision for any person convicted of certain sexual offenses. Existing law also: (1) authorizes a person sentenced to lifetime supervision to petition the sentencing court or the State Board of Parole Commissioners for release from lifetime supervision; and (2) requires the sentencing court or Board to grant the petition for release if, among other requirements, the person has not been convicted of an offense that poses a threat to the safety or well-being of others for at least 10 consecutive years after the person's last conviction or release from incarceration, whichever occurs later. (NRS 176.0931) Section 1 of this bill similarly authorizes the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety to petition the sentencing court or the State Board of Parole Commissioners for the release of a person sentenced to lifetime supervision. Section 1 also authorizes the sentencing court or Board to grant such a petition if the person who is the subject of the petition has not been convicted of an offense that poses a threat to the safety or well-being of others for at least 20 consecutive years after the person's last conviction or release from incarceration, whichever occurs later. Section 3 of this bill makes a conforming change to refer to a provision that has been renumbered in section 1. Existing law authorizes a court to place an offender on probation for a fixed period or an indeterminate period. Under existing law, an offender sentenced to serve a period of probation for a felony or gross misdemeanor must be allowed certain deductions from the period of probation for each month the offender serves and is: (1) current with certain fees and any payment of restitution ordered by the court; or (2) actively involved in employment or enrolled in certain programs. (NRS 176A.500) Section 2 of this bill clarifies that an offender sentenced to serve a period of probation for a felony or gross misdemeanor must be allowed such deductions regardless of whether the period of probation of the offender is indeterminate or fixed by the court. Section 4 of this bill provides that the amendatory provisions of: (1) section 1 apply to a person who is sentenced to lifetime supervision before, on or after October 1, 2025; and (2) section 2 apply to a person who is sentenced to serve a period of probation before, on or after October 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 176.0931, 176A.500, 213.1243