Existing law provides for the licensure and regulation of psychologists and the registration and regulation of psychological assistants, psychological interns and psychological trainees by the Board of Psychological Examiners. (Chapter 641 of NRS) Existing law authorizes the Board to adopt various regulations, including, without limitation, regulations governing the practice of psychology. (NRS 641.100) Existing regulations authorize a licensed psychologist to authorize personnel who are not licensed by the Board to perform certain psychological testing under the direct supervision and periodic observation of the licensed psychologist. (NAC 641.168) Existing law prohibits a person from representing himself or herself as a psychologist or using any title or description which incorporates certain words, including, without limitation, the word “psychometrist,” unless the person is licensed by the Board. (NRS 641.440) Section 1 of this bill specifically authorizes the Board to adopt regulations authorizing a licensed psychologist to authorize an unlicensed person to perform certain psychological tests prescribed by the Board under the direct supervision and periodic observation of the licensed psychologist. Section 1 additionally authorizes the Board to adopt regulations authorizing a person who performs such tests to use the title of “psychometrist” in connection with the performance of such tests. Section 3 of this bill provides an exception from the provisions prohibiting the use of a title that incorporates the word “psychometrist” by a person not licensed by the Board for a person using such a title as authorized by the regulations adopted by the Board pursuant to section 1. Existing law sets forth certain grounds for initiating disciplinary action against a psychologist, psychological assistant, psychological intern or psychological trainee. (NRS 641.230) Existing law requires certain persons, and authorizes other persons, to file a written complaint with the Board if the person becomes aware that any one or combination of the grounds for initiating disciplinary action may exist as to a licensee or registrant. (NRS 641.250) Section 2 of this bill prohibits a complaint from being filed if 3 or more years have elapsed since the occurrence of the act or omission alleged as the grounds for initiating disciplinary action. Section 4 of this bill repeals provisions requiring a firm, partnership or corporation which engages in or offers to engage in the practice of psychology to register with the Board.

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 641.250, 641.440, 641.2265
BDR: 641.250, 641.440, 641.2265