Existing law requires the Department of Education to establish a pilot program to provide competency-based education, which is a program of instruction by which a pupil advances to a higher level of learning when the pupil demonstrates mastery of a concept or skill, regardless of the time, place or pace at which the pupil progresses. (NRS 389.200, 389.210) Under the pilot program: (1) the Department is required to conduct a public awareness campaign regarding competency-based education and is authorized to distribute competitive grants to carry out the pilot program; (2) the board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of a charter school is authorized to apply to the State Board of Education for approval for a school to provide competency-based education; and (3) a school selected to participate in the pilot program is required to satisfy certain requirements to implement competency-based education in the school. (NRS 389.210) Section 9 of this bill repeals the pilot program, and sections 2-6 of this bill establish a process by which the board of trustees of a school district, the governing body of a charter school, a committee to form a charter school or a charter management organization applying to form a charter school, or the governing body of a university school for profoundly gifted pupils, may apply to the Department for approval to provide a program of competency-based education. Section 3 establishes requirements for: (1) the board of trustees of a school district, the governing body of a charter school, a committee to form a charter school or charter management organization applying to form a charter school, or the governing body of a university school for profoundly gifted pupils to apply to the Department for approval to provide a program of competency-based education; (2) the approval or denial of such an application by the Department; and (3) the development of a plan for conducting the program of competency-based education, presenting the plan to the public and providing a copy of the plan to the school community, parents and employees of the school district, charter school or university school for profoundly gifted pupils. Section 4 requires the board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of a charter school or university school for profoundly gifted pupils, that provides a program of competency-based education to ensure compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, rules and policies, including, without limitation, requirements for graduation, the accountability of public schools, the attendance and truancy of pupils, the discipline of pupils and the administration of required examinations and assessments. Section 5 authorizes alternative scheduling for pupils participating in a program of competency-based education. Section 2 establishes the methods by which a pupil participating in a program of competency-based education may demonstrate proficiency in a specific course of study, and section 7 of this bill makes a conforming change to reflect the establishment of those methods in section 2. Section 6 provides for the adoption of regulations by the State Board to carry out programs of competency-based education. Section 8 of this bill makes a conforming change to make the existing definition of “competency-based education” apply to sections 2-6.

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 389.171, 389.200
BDR: 389.171, 389.200