The federal Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation Act, more commonly known as the “STORM Act,” authorizes the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide capitalization grants to a state for the purpose of providing financial assistance in the form of loans to local governments and tribal governments for hazard mitigation projects. The STORM Act requires a state which receives such a capitalization grant to establish a loan fund. (42 U.S.C. § 5135)
Existing state law creates the Division of Emergency Management within the Office of the Military, which has various powers and duties related to emergency management. (NRS 414.040)
Section 8 of this bill creates the Nevada Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Account in the State General Fund as a revolving loan account administered by the Division.
Section 9 of this bill requires the Division to develop and carry out a program for an eligible recipient to apply for a loan from the Account for the purpose of financing a hazard mitigation project. Section 9 further: (1) requires the Division to prioritize approving loans for hazard mitigation projects that will have the greatest impact on mitigating hazards in this State; and (2) authorizes the Division to provide certain technical assistance to eligible recipients.
Section 10 of this bill provides that any loan of money from the Account must not be used to replace or supplant any other money available to an eligible recipient for hazard mitigation.
Section 11 of this bill requires the Division to adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of this bill, including: (1) the procedures by which an eligible recipient may apply for a loan from the Account; and (2) the criteria for an eligible recipient to receive a loan from the Account.
Sections 3-7 of this bill, respectively, define the terms “Account,” “Division,” “eligible recipient,” “hazard mitigation project” and “STORM Act.”