Existing law prohibits: (1) a person from engaging in certain activities relating to gaming without procuring a state gaming license; (2) a person from engaging in a fraudulent act or otherwise manipulating or cheating at a gambling game; and (3) a person from accepting, receiving or allowing certain other persons to accept or receive certain wagers through any medium of communication from another person physically present within this State. (NRS 463.160, 465.070, 465.092) Sections 1-3 of this bill require, in addition to any existing penalty, a person to disgorge any profit, gain, gross receipt or other benefit resulting from certain illegal gaming activities and pay that amount to the State Treasurer for deposit in the State General Fund. Section 3 also increases the penalty for accepting, receiving or allowing certain persons to accept or receive certain wagers under certain circumstances from a misdemeanor to a gross misdemeanor.