Existing law requires the Division of Public and Behavioral Health of the Department of Health and Human Services to adopt and enforce regulations governing: (1) the conditions under and the methods by which abortions may be performed; (2) the qualifications of a person authorized to provide certain information when obtaining informed consent before an abortion is performed; and (3) other aspects pertaining to the performance of abortions. (NRS 442.260) Section 1 of this bill provides that existing law governing abortions, and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto, supersede and preempt any local ordinance or regulation adopted by any county, city, district, agency or other political subdivision of this State that specifically regulates or disproportionately affects abortions or facilities that perform abortions. Section 3 of this bill defines “health care facility” to refer to any entity that provides health care. Section 4 of this bill prohibits a health care facility from making or disseminating to the public a deceptive statement concerning any service that is offered or is not offered by the health care facility. Section 5 of this bill authorizes the Attorney General to seek certain remedial and injunctive relief and civil penalties by bringing an action against a health care facility that violates the provisions of section 4. Sections 6, 8, 10 and 12 of this bill authorize the Board of Medical Examiners, State Board of Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of Nursing and State Board of Pharmacy, upon determining that prescribing, dispensing or administering a medication to stop or reverse an abortion meets applicable professional standards, to adopt regulations, in consultation with one another, authorizing the prescribing, dispensing or administration of medication to stop or reverse an abortion. Sections 7, 9, 11 and 13 of this bill authorize those boards to discipline a physician, nurse or pharmacist, as applicable, for prescribing, dispending or administering a medication to stop or reverse an abortion except where authorized by those regulations.

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 442.260, 630.130, 630.306, 632.120, 632.347, 633.291, 633.511, 639.070, 639.210
BDR: 442.260, 630.130, 630.306, 632.120, 632.347, 633.291, 633.511, 639.070, 639.210